
Guillaume de Machaut: The Cure for Love


Thursday, February 13, 2003

Bowker Auditorium at 7:30pm   
Tickets: $25, $15; 17 and under $10

Five College Students $10, $7

A special Valentine's Day treat awaits the audience when Lionheart perfoms "GUILLAUME DE MACHAUT: THE CURE FOR LOVE," where a young man is initiated into the delights and dangers of courtly love. LIONHEART is one of America's leading ensembles in vocal chamber music. Acclaimed for its 'smoothly blended and impeccably balanced sound" (Allan Kozinn, The New York Times), Lionheart (Jeffrey Johnson, Lawrence Lipnik, John Olund, Richard Porterfield, Kurt-Owen Richards, and Michael Ryan-Wenger) is best known for its interpretation of medieval and Renaissance a cappella music, with Gregorian Chant as the keystone of its repertoire.