Rhythm in Shoes with the Red Clay Ramblers

in Rambleshoe

Rhythm in Shoes with the Red Clay Ramblers

Thursday, May 1, 2003

FAC Concert Hall at 7:30pm   
Tickets: $35, $25, $15; 17 and under $10

Five College Students $15, $10, $7

This celebration of traditional American arts comes together with the collaboration of Rhythm in Shoes with the Red Clay Ramblers. Rhythm in Shoes presents innovative work that is at once original and recognizable. Drawing on traditional forms of American music and dance-swing tunes and tap, hoedowns and clogging-the creative team of Leahy and Good has been creating critically acclaimed work. Add the famous traditional music band, the Red Clay Ramblers, and we're in for a Ramblin' Good Time!


"...draws on deeply rooted traditions and takes them to the unexpected realms...the interest in rhythm as a means of establishing a community on stage, and then extending it to the audience was captivation in its authenticity" - H. B. Kronen, Union News


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