Complexions Contemporary Ballet

"Forging a path for what ballet can be instead of what it historically has been." — The Guardian

Hailed as a “matchless American dance company” by the Philadelphia Inquirer, Complexions Contemporary Ballet transcends dance tradition through a groundbreaking approach to the art. Founded in 1994 by master choreographer Dwight Rhoden and the legendary Desmond Richardson, Complexions’ foremost innovation is to remove boundaries. Complexions was the first American ballet company to actively recruit and prioritize diverse bodies and identities on stage. The company blends methods, styles, and cultures from across the globe. The result is a continually evolving form of dance that reflects the movement of our world — and all its cultures — as an interrelated whole.

The program for this performance, which is part of the company’s thirtieth anniversary celebration tour, will center on WOKE, an activist piece created in response to continuing racial violence and discrimination in American society.

Funded in part by the New England States Touring program of the New England Foundation for the Arts, made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts Regional Touring Program and the six New England state arts agencies.

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