Previous Grant Recipients:

Single Project/ Event Grants


$1000 Asian Night 2020 / Asian American Student Association
3/28/2020 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Fine Arts Center
$1200 Abundance / Department of Theater
April 29 & 30 7-9 pm. Fine Arts Center Room 04
$1000 The UMTG Presents: She Loves Me / UMass Theatre Guild
March 26th, 27th, and 28th at 7pm and March 28th at 1pm. Bowker Auditorium, Stockbridge Hall
$1000 Workshop Series and Art Exhibit, "A More Curious Way of Being" / Amanda Boggs
March 31st-April 6th, 11am-4pm. UMass Herter Gallery
$1000 J'Ouvert Festival / Students of Caribbean Ancestry
April 26th, 2020 12:30-5pm. UMass Lot 11
$1000 The UMass Theatre Guild Presents: The Glass Menagerie / UMass Theatre Guild
April 16th at 7pm, April 17th at 7pm, April 18th at 1pm and 7pm. Dick Rossi Room
$500 UMass Duly Noted Full Length Album / Duly Noted
May 19th-29th, 2020. Bedford, MA
$800 Eleven / ART491E, ART497R
April 24th, 2020, 6-8PM. Studio Arts Building, Lee Edwards Gallery/Room 240
$1400 Sheva - My Precious Treasure / Indian Classical Arts Society
March 29th 8:30PM. Bowker Hall
$500 mOthertongue: A Multilingual Journal of the Arts / mOthertongue Editorial Board
April 17, 2020; 5:00-6:30 pm. Commonwealth Honors College Events Hall
$1000 Imagined Communities of Tomorrow Bearing Witness to Yesterday / Studio Arts
April 21-26, 2020. Hampden Gallery


$565 AASA's 9th Annual Winter Ball: Back by Midnight / Asian American Student Association
12/7/19, 5:30pm-11:00pm. Campus Center Auditorium
$1000 New England Saxophone Festival / UMass Amherst Saxophone Studio
March 28th from 8am-10pm. Fine Arts Center
$800 Artifacts at the End of a Decade / Jessica Scott, Jill Hughes
3/25/2020-4/26/2020. University of Massachusetts Contemporary Art Museum
$1000 FREE CAGED CHILDREN / MFA students and faculty
December 17 - 2pm - on-going. Studio Arts Building
$1100 Kofifi/Covfefe / UMass Department of Theater
May 4th - May 7th, MTu 13:00-19:00, WThu 13:00-17:00. Augusta Savage Gallery
$950 Women and the Power of Comedy Thesis Project / Department of Theater
March 27, 2020- 5:00-9:00pm and March 28, 2020 4:00pm. Rand Theater, Fine Arts Center
$1000 ☆PipeDreams☆ A BFA Thesis & Senior Seminar screening / ART 491E BFA Seminar & ART 471 Senior Seminar
December 12th, 6-9pm, 2019. ILC Room N151
$500 The UMTG Presents: If/Then / UMass Theatre Guild
November 14th at 7pm, 15th at 7pm, and 16th at 1pm and 7pm. 65 Bartlett Hall (awaiting confirmation)
$700 UMass Theatre Guild Presents: The Haunting Of Hill House / UMass Theatre Guild
October 31st at 7:30, November 1st at 7:30, November 2nd at 1 and 7:30. Bowker Auditorium
$700 RENT: The Musical - Changed to Wild Party / Department of Theater
May 1st at 7:30, May 2nd ay 2:00 and 7:30. Curtain Theatre, Fine Arts Center
$1000 CLARIconNEcT / Clarinet Studio at UMass Amherst
Sunday February 2, 2020 9am-6pm. UMass Amherst Fine Arts Center (Bezanson Recital Hall and various classrooms)
$1500 Amir Issaa / Italian Studies Program
November 13 and 14, 2019. Herter Hall
$300 Friendly and Safe / Elena Olson
4/23/19-4/27/19. Student Union Gallery (Bartlett 310)
$825 India Night 2019 / Indian Student Association
April 6th, 2019, 6 PM. Campus Center Auditorium
$675 Dissonant Coastlines / Leah Burke
May 1 - May 31, Reception May 2. Barnes Gallery at Leverett Crafts & Arts Center
$875 Asian Night 2019: It's About Time / Asian American Student Association
March 23rd, 2019, 6:30PM-9:30PM. Fine Arts Center Concert Hall
$300 BFA Thesis Project / Hannah Farnham
April 17-April 20 2019. Herter Gallery
$400 The FAC Pack Presents: / UMass Animation Dept.
April 26, 6-9pm. Herter Auditorium, 231
$875 Vocal Suspects' Studio Album / The Vocal Suspects
March 2019. Off Campus
$650 Gira / Dept. of Theater
April 26 & April 27. Room 204 Fine Arts Center
$1000 The Addams Family / UMass Theatre Guild
March 21 (7 pm), 22 (7pm), 23 (12 & 7 pm). Bowker Auditorium
$450 UMass Theatre Guild presents The Secret in the Wings / UMass Theatre Guild
April 4th at 7:30pm, 5th at 7:30pm, 6th at 1pm and 7pm. Arts Bridge 434
$950 So Far So Good (And Then A Fight Broke Out) / Department of Theater
March 6-8, 2019, 7PM each night. New Africa House Theater
$1100 Cultural Night Market / Taiwanese and Chinese Students’ Association
Sunday, March 3, 2019 4PM-9PM. Fine Arts Center
$700 mOthertongue: A Multilingual Journal of the Arts / mOthertongue Editorial Board
April 25, 5:00-7:00 pm. Commonwealth Honors College Events Hall
$800 What so funny?: How Humor Makes us Think / UMass
March 20, 2019 and April 18, 2019. UMCA Galleries
$1000 2019 Students for a Free Tibet Losar Celebration / Students for a Free Tibet
2/23/2019,  1:30 to 5:30 pm. Amherst Room, Campus Center
$500 17th Annual Gospel Concert / Gospel Choir; BASIC
4/28/2019; 7:00pm. Campus Center Auditorium
$450 Next to Normal / UMass Amherst Department of Theater
May 4th 1:00pm and 7:30pm, May 5th 1:00pm. The Curtain Theater- UMass Amherst Department of Theater
$500 ASA Week / African Students Association
December 2nd-8th, 2018. MCXC, Campus Center, Student Union, Dick Rossi Room
$850 Olivia Brown and Sydney Willwerth's Senior Thesis Dance Concert / Department of Music and Dance
March 29th & 30th at 8:00pm. Totman Gymnasium
$700 In Transit / Amanda Boggs, Kathryn Fanelli, Bibiana Medkova, Kenneth Murphy, Xuan Pham
March 6-30, 2019 10-4 & April 18-13, 2019 10-5. NYPOP New York, NY & Student Union Gallery Umass Amherst
$345 SoCA's J'Ouvert Festival 2019 / Students of Caribbean Ancestry
April 28th, 2019  3-6 p.m. UMass Parking Lot 11
$750 37th New England Saxophone Festival and Competition / University of Massachusetts Amherst Saxophone Studio
8:00 am-9:00 pm, Saturday March 30th, 2019. Bezanson Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center
$1000 bare: a pop opera / Department of Theater
April 26th and 27th. Curtain Theater at Umass Theater Dept.
$500 The 8th Annual Winter Ball: A Crazy Rich Gala / Asian American Student Association
December 1st, 6PM-11PM. Campus Center Auditorium
$1000 UMass Theatre Guild presents Arcadia / UMass Theatre Guild
November 29th at 7:00pm, November 30th at 7:00pm, December 1st at 1:00pm and 7:00pm. Bowker Auditorium
$1935 QUEER & NOW 3.0 / UMass Department of Theater
December 6 - 8, 2018 at 7:30pm and April 4 - 6, 2019 at 7:30pm. UMass Fine Arts Center Arts Bridge, 434 (December) and New York Professional Outreach Program (NYPOP; April)
$950 Sita Haran - A Riveting Dance Drama / Indian Classical Arts Society
2/23/19. Bezanson Recital Hall
$800 Western Massachusetts Flute Day / UMass Amherst Flute Studio
December 1, 2018; 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. UMass Amherst Fine Arts Center East
$850 María Irene Fornés Guest Artist Series / Department of Theater
December 3, 2018; December 1-8, 2018. UMass School of Management; Curtain Theater, Fine Arts Center
$1200 UMass/Limon Dance / UMass Dance Program
Nov. 26-30, 2018 and Jan 25, 2019. FAC, Main Stage/Totman Gym/Community venues
$500 India Night / Indian Student Association
3/31/2018; 6pm-10pm. Campus Center Auditorium
$600 Sis! How'd You Get There!? / Theater Department/ African American Studies Department
April 27, @7pm. New Africa House
$250 The Creator's Collective / ART 491 E
April 27th, 2018 (6:00pm - 8:30pm). Herter Auditorium Room 227
$500 Chinese Melodies- Minqi's Pipa concert / Chinese Music Association
9/22/2018. Bowkers Auditorium or Old chapel
$600 35mm: A Musical Exhibition / Department of Theater
May 5th, 7:30pm and May 6th 2:00pm. Curtain Theater
$200   The Students of Caribbean Ancestry's Annual J'Ouvert Festival / The Students of Caribbean Ancestry (SoCA)
Sunday, April 15th, 2018. UMass Amherst, Parking Lot 33
$500 UMass Gospel Concert / UMass Gospel Choir
Sunday April 22, 2018 @ 5:30 PM. Campus Center Auditorium
$500 jubilat special issue / jubilat
June 17, 2018. UMass campus during week of Juniper Summer Writing Institute
$500 Paperbark Literary Magazine Launch Event / Paperbark Literary Magazine
April 21st, 5pm-7pm. Hitchcock Center for the Environment
$375 UMass Theatre Guild presents The Shadow Box UMass Theatre Guild
April 12th at 7pm, 13th at 7pm, 14th at 1pm and 7pm. Fine Arts Center, Arts Bridge Room 434
$400 Asian Night 2018 UMass Asian American Student Association
April 28, 2018- 6:30PM-9:30PM. Fine Arts Center
$1000 "Trebles in Paradise: A Bass-ically Queer Musical", Jennifer Citarelli's Masters' Thesis in Composition UMass Department of Music and Dance, Cast/Crew of "Trebles in Paradise"
April 6 7:30PM,  April 7 5:00PM, April 8 5:00PM. UMass Integrated Learning Center N151
$1000 Vietnamese Student Association 33rd Annual Spring Cultural Show Vietnamese Student Association
April 1st, 2018 at 7pm. Campus Center Auditorium
$1000 37th Annual UMass Powwow Native American Student Association
Saturday April 14, 2018. Curry Hicks Cage
$600 An Examination of Black Acting Methods and African Ritualist Performance Through a Theatrical Production Theater Department
May 3rd, 4th, 5th @ 7:30 pm. Upper Rand Studio. 
$1,000 UMass Theatre Guild Production of Heathers The Musical Production of Heathers The Musical UMass Theatre Guild
March 7,8,9 at 7:00pm. Bowker Auditorium
$500 Color in Containment Symposium / Margaret Wilson and Alison Ritacco
April 4th, 4:30-6:00pm. Location TBD. $
$1,000 UMass Theatre Guild Production of Heathers The Musical  UMass Theatre Guild
March 7,8,9 at 7:00pm. Bowker Auditorium. $
$750 Corpus et Mente  / UMass Amherst Dance Department
February 22-23 2018 at 7:30pm. Totman Performance Lab. $
$1,650 mOthertongue: A Multilingual Journal of the Arts / mOthertgonue Editorial Board
April 20, 2018; 5:30-8:00 pm. Commonwealth Honors College Events Hall
$1,350 2018 LOSAR Students for a Free Tibet-RSO
A celebration of Tibetan New Year. February 25, 2018 at 1:30-5:30 pm. Student Union Building. $


$1,400 “Life Lessons: The Films of Hermann Zschoche”  / DEFA Film Library
Celebrating the life and work of German filmmaker Hermann Zschoche. Oct 30-Nov 6, 2016, UMass Amherst, Thatcher language House and Amherst Cinema.
$1,300 “Dysfunctioning Just Fine”  Department of Theater
An autobiographical one-woman musical about the life of a kinda gay and chronically ill woman. October 13-15, 2016 at 7:30 pm; Curtain Theater.
$1,200 “Spring Awakening”  Department of Theater
A thoughtful and provocative musical that tackles vital issues of access and education.  April 12-15, 2017 at 7:30 pm; Curtain Theater.
$1,500 “UMass Amherst Bach Festival and Symposium”  Department of Music
A festival with three Bach concerts, with two performances of the Bach B Minor Mass  as the centerpiece and a symposium. April 21-23, 2017; Bezanson Recital Hall, Campus Center and Grace Episcopal Church. $
$600 “Gruesome Playground Injuries”  Department of Theater
A play by Pulitzer Prize finalist, Rajiv Joseph, that tells the story of two friends united in each other’s lives by injuries and accidents. Nov. 3-4. 2016; at 7:00 and 9:30 pm in FAC, Room# 204.
$1,300 “Diwali Night 2016”  Indian Students Association (RSO)
A cultural event celebrating the Indian festival of light. Oct 30; 6:00pm; Campus Center Auditorium. $
$1,000 “Frankenstein”  UMass Theater Guild (RSO)
A play by Austin Tichner based on the original book by Mary Shelley. Nov. 10-12, 2016; 7:00 pm and 12:00 pm; Bowker Auditorium. $
$1,000 “Starmites”  UMass Theater Guild (RSO)
A musical by the UMass Theater Guild. Nov. 3-7, 2016; 7:00 pm and 12:00 pm; Bartlett 65. $
$600 “Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again”  Department of Art
A play by Alice Birch that is a feminist call for action in all aspects of our lives. Dec. 7-9, 2016; 7:30 pm; FAC Room# 204. 
$350 “Boulder Formations”  Department of Art
An exhibition exploring various rock forms, plant life and rivers. Dec. 14, 2016; Student Union Art Gallery.
$250 “New Play Reading”  Department of Theater
Open reading of Sarah Einspanier’s new play I Love Sean. April 8, 2017; 5:30 pm; Curtain Theater. $
$620 “Planet's Animatic Screening & Art Thesis Exhibition”  Department of Art
An exhibition that combines hand-drawn digital-cutout animatic with traditional kinesthetic animation. Dec. 16-18, 2016; 6:00pm; Lee Edwards Gallery.      
$400 “Technecology”  Department of Art
A BFA Thesis exhibition portraying possibilities of nature and technology coexisting in today’s world. Dec. 18, 2016; 2:00-4:00 pm; Hampden Gallery.
$500 “JUBILAT”  Department of English
Distribution of the literary journal JUBILAT on campus. Fall Semester; Specific Locations on Campus 
$465 “Painted Minerals”  Department of Art
A BFA Thesis exhibition exploring valuable minerals in their natural state sharing their unique beauty. Dec.12-16, 2016; Student Union Art Gallery.
$375 “With Greatest Love”  Department of Art
A BFA Thesis exhibition on paintings inspired by the important memories that we consciously or subconsciously build up to form and strengthen the mental pictures of our family and friends. Dec. 12-16, 2016; Student Union Art Gallery.



$1,350 “Thursday Night Live” / Thursday Night Live (RSO)
Features content covering everything from improv comedy to satirical news and uses a live-running student-designed slideshow as support. Oct 1 and 29, Nov 19, 2015; 9:30-10:30 pm; Herter Hall room 227.
$570 “Chinese Melody” / Taiwanese and Chinese Student Association (TCSA)-RSO
A delightful concert of familiar and scintillating new Chinese melodies showcasing traditional Chinese music. Feb 7, 2016; Bowker Auditorium.
$1,200 “Legally Blonde: The Musical” / UMass Theater Guild-RSO
Based on the MGM film Legally Blonde, this musical is an entertaining and feministic play. Nov.5-7,2015; 7pm and 12pm; Bowker Auditorium. $.
$1,200 Live Lit Literary Reading Series” / Department of English
A reading workshop that gives the MFA community a platform to present creative work to each other as well as to the Western MA public. Throughout the academic year. Amherst Books, U-Club at UMass and the Quarters.
$2,000 Diwali Night 2015” / Indian Student Association (ISA)-RSO
Celebration of the Indian festival of Lights colloquially called Diwali. Nov. 21, 2015; 6pm-11pm; Campus Center Auditorium. $
$1,250 We Are Proud to Present..” / Department of Theater
A play that centers around a group of six actors who attempt to create theater about the extinction of the Herero tribe at the hands of German colonizers. Dec 3-5, 2015 and Feb 11-13, 18-20, 25-27, 2016. FAC Room 204 Studio Theater.
$1,500 “India Night 2016” / Indian Student Association (ISA)-RSO
An event celebrating the Indian festival of Colors and Friendship, colloquially called Holi. March 6, 2016; 6pm; Campus Center Auditorium.$ 
$1,250 31st Annual Cultural Show” / Vietnamese Students' Association (VSA)-RSO
An event spreading Vietnamese culture and offering the UMass campus a diverse atmosphere. March 5, 2016, 6:30pm; Campus Center Auditorium. 
$1,600 d.D.4.0” / Alive With Dance-RSO 
An event showcasing the performances of UMass and Five College student choreographers. April 22-23,2016; 8pm; Bowker Auditorium.$.
$1,550 mOthertongue” / Department of English
Provides an opportunity for students to express their creativity and artistic talents through multiple languages, bringing together an array of global citizens and cultures into one event. April 28, 2016; 5pm-7pm; Commonwealth honors College Event Hall, 160E.
$1,000 Asian Night 2016” / Asian American Student Association-RSO
A cultural event that showcases a variety of talent and performances that appeal to the students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. April 16, 2016; 7pm- 9:30pm; Fine Arts Center. 
$700 20th Anniversary Fashion Show” / SOUL TV-RSO
Showcasing the work of local designers and student models and performers. April 15, 2016, 6pm- 8pm; Student Union Ballroom.$
$250 MFA Thesis Show” / Department of Art
An exhibition showcasing the artistic works of three graduate students. April 25- May 1, 2016; Eastworks, Easthampton.
$850 Othello” / Department of Theater
A play lead by UMass students that combines Elizabethan theater and contemporary art to address a timeless tragedy: racism and its negative effects on our society. April 29 and May 1, 2016; 7pm and 2pm; UMCA.
$1,000 35 Annual UMass Powwow” / Eagle Cultural Center
A cultural event featuring performances by various drumming groups and traditional water drummer Darrel Wixon along with master storyteller Larry Spotted Crow Mann. April 16, 2016; 10am- 6pm; Curry Hicks cage. 
$675 The Glass Menagerie” / Department of Theater
A modern, independent production of The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, being designed, produced and performed exclusively by undergraduate UMass theater artists. April 19-21, 2016; 7:30 pm; Curtain Theater. 
$500 Imposters, A New play” / English Graduate Organization-GSO
A production restaging the individualized narratives of fear, doubt, isolation, and—even—triumph as occurring in what appears to be a conversation April 2, 2016;UMass Integrative Learning Center. $
$1,000 Wood on the Plaza” / Department of Art 
An exhibit created out of a high-tech timber grid shell to demonstrate the beauty, sustainability, and new-age sophistication of building with wood. April –June, 2016; Fine Arts Center Plaza. 
$500 The Body Project” / Department of Theater
UMass Theater dept. production. April 29, 2016; Curtain Theater. 
$700 Wayside Motor Inn” / UMass Theater Guild -RSO
A play revolving around one motel room (actually representing five motel rooms, all at the same time), where the stories of five extremely varied pairs of people unfold in parallel simultaneous motion. March 31 (7pm), April 1 (7pm) and April 2(1pm and 7 pm); Bowker Auditorium. $
$400 CHAPBOOK” / Jubilat-RSO
A celebration of literary works of young poets, especially the undergraduates. April 1 through end of Spring semester; English dept. Classrooms.
$700 Cultural Night Market” / Taiwanese and Chinese Students' Association-RSO
A cultural event to celebrate the vibrant Taiwanese and Chinese heritage and spread greater multicultural awareness and solidarity to the University of Massachusetts Amherst and its surrounding communities. March 26, 2016; 8pm; Campus Center Auditorium. $ 



$1,639 UMass Amherst Bach Festival/ Department of Music and Dance Performances by well-renowned artists along with a talk by Richard Traskin. April 17-19, 2015, 7:30pm and 3 pm; Bezanson Recital Hall and Grace Episcopal Church.$.
$354 Writer’s Work: Karen Skolfield and Ryan Walsh/ Department of English A workshop on residencies, fundraising and grant writing in the literary sphere. Oct. 3, 2014; 12pm-2 pm; 316 Bartlett Hall.
$1,600 Macbeth” / UMass Theater Guild-RSO A classic tragedy by Shakespeare. Nov.20-22, 2014, 7pm and 2pm; UMass Renaissance Center. $.
$1,642 25 Years After Memories of the German Democratic Republic/ UMass German and Scandinavian Department A film festival to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall. Nov. 11- 18, 7pm; UMass Herter Hall and Thatcher Hall, Amherst Cinema.
$500 JUBILAT/ Department of English Printing and distribution of 500 free copies of “JUBILAT”, a journal of creative literature. Nov. 20, 2014 through Dec. 31, 2014.
$950 Tennessee Williams: Gender Play/ Department of Theater A one night symposium of Tennessee Williams scholars, critics, and creative artists. Feb. 15, 2015, 6pm-11pm; FAC Curtain theater.
$875 Northeast MFA Dramaturgy Forum/ Department of Theater An academic conference gathering faculty and students from Columbia, Harvard, UMass and Yale. Jan. 30-31, 2015, all day; Fine Arts Center, UMass.
$250 Friday’s At Four/ Department of Theater Undergraduate professional development seminar along with a talk-back panel discussion. March 6, 2015, 4pm-11pm; Green Room and Rand Theater.
$950 Carnival Addiction/ Students of Caribbean Ancestry-RSO Cultural show including dance performances, costume modeling, and live music performance. Jan. 31, 2015, 7pm-2am; Student Union.$.
$380 Gender Fetish/ Department of Theater A blend of dramatic performance, physical theater, puppetry and multimedia content to create and engaging theatrical event. Dec. 5 (7pm & 9pm), Dec. 6 (5pm & 8pm) and Dec. 7 (4pm & 7pm) 2014; FAC 204.
$380 Creative Movement/ Department of Dance Senior thesis project in collaboration with “Alive with Dance”. April 23-25, 2014, 8pm; Bowker Auditorium.
$950 Mary Swander’s “Vang” and Map of My Kingdom/ Department of English Performance of two plays by Mary Swander, Iowa’s Poet Laureate and founder of the National Organization AGARTS. March 2 & 3, 2014, 8pm; Bowker Auditorium.$
$1,750 VSA’s 30th Annual Cultural Spring Show/ Vietnamese Students Association-RSO An event showcasing performances by Dhadak, DBJ, UMass Hip-Hop group along with traditional lion dance, fashion show and two skits. March 7, 2015, 6:30 pm- 9:30 pm; Campus Center Auditorium.$
$600 Writers Work: Erica Dawson & Lynn Melnick/ Department of English A lecture by renowned authors on their interests and education led them where they are and what they have learnt along the way. March 6, 2015; 12:00pm- 2:00 pm; Bartlett 203.
$1,500 Mothertongue/ Department of English Literary Journal showcasing original pieces of poetry and prose by UMass students alongside original artwork. Dec. 1- 2014- May 1, 2015.
$1,200 Curatorial Fellowship/ Department of Art Art exhibition reexamining the conventional narrative of grotesque vis-à-vis the dominant disclosure on beauty. March 27 to May 3, 2015; UMCA.
$750 New Music Festival/ Department of Music and Dance A bi-annual music festival that brings contemporary music to UMass students and build substantive audience for the performers. Sept. 11-13, 2015; Bezanson Recital Hall. $
$800 Embarrassed of the Whole: Panoply Lab/ Studio Arts Graduate Association (SAGA)-RSO Performance workshop for UMass students by Brian McCorkle and Esther Neff. April 23-24, 2015, 7:00 pm- 11:00 pm; Clark Hall 202.
$450 CHAPBOOK/ Jubilat-RSO A celebration of literary works of young poets, especially the undergraduates. April 1 through end of Spring semester; English dept. Classrooms.
$750 Cape Verdean Awareness Night/ Cape Verdean Students Alliance (RSO) A cultural event featuring traditional Cape Verdean cuisine along with performances by Morabeza, Dynamo, and a keynote speaker. April 11, 2015, 7:00pm- 2:00am; Student Union Ballroom. $
$700 Seussical/ UMass Theater Guild (RSO) A musical production by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens. March 26-28,2015; various times; Bartlett Hall room 65. $
$700 August: Osage County/ UMass Theater Guild (RSO) A play focusing on a plethora of issues that range from drug dependence to depression. April 9-11, 2015; various times; Bowker Auditorium. $
$700 Part IV/ Alive with Dance (RSO) An event featuring the thesis works of 13 seniors from the dance department. April 23- 25, 2015; 8pm; Bowker Auditorium. $
$100 Writers Work: David McCormick/ Department of English A lecture by renowned authors on their interests and education led them where they are and what they have learnt along the way. April 24, 2015; 12:00pm- 2:00 pm; Bartlett 316.



$1,000 Diwali Night/ Indian Student Association-RSO Performances by different groups from UMass and colleges from the Five College Community to celebrate the Indian Festival of Lights. November 2, 2013, 6pm, Campus Center Auditorium.
$1,200 The Diary of Anne Frank/ UMass Theater Guild-RSO Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett's stage adaptation by UMass students. Nov. 21- 23, 2013; 8 pm, Mark's Meadow School Auditorium..
$ 941 Jubilat Literary Journal / Department of English Printing and distribution of 450 free copies of“Jubilat” in English Department classrooms, College Writing classrooms, Writing Program Offices from Nov. 20 through December 2013.
$1,000 The Pillowman/ Department of Theater Student production of Martin McDonohue’s,“The Pillowman". Dec. 3-5, 2013, Curtain Theater.
$1,500 Mothertongue/Mothertongue Editorial Board, Department of EnglishPrinting and distribution of 700 free copies of “Mothertongue”, a journal of multilingual arts. Dec. 1, 2013 through May 1, 2014, Herter 301.
$1,500 Alive with Dance/ Alive with Dance-RSO Dance performance entitled “Flipped" by UMass students showcasing 7 original works.  April 24-26,2014; Bowker auditorium. .
$1,400 MFA Thesis Shows 2014/ Department of Art, Architecture, and Art History A series of solo exhibitions and artist talks by 4 MFA candidates, Nour Bishouty, Lauren Kohn, Priya Nadkarni, Tom Protisto. April 11- May 7, 2014; Herter, Hampden and Student Union Galleries.
$1,800 VSA Spring Show/ Vietnamese Students Association-RSO  Performances by the Lion group, Dhadak, DBJ, UMass Hip-Hop organization and   Smith College VSA. March 9, 2014; Campus Center Auditorium. .
$750 Black/Queer/Diaspora/Womyn Festival/ Department of Theater  Lecture series on the intersections of race, gender, ethnicity, class, sexuality  and nationality. Feb. 26 through March 1, 2014; various locations at UMass Amherst,   Amherst College and Hampshire College.
$600 UMass Skill Share/ Department of Art, Architecture, and Art History  Free workshops on specific skills related to art making, funding and professional  development. Feb. 21- April 1, 2014; Studio Arts Building.
$850 Haus of Pop/ Soul TV-RSO  Fashion show with the artwork of emerging designers and models. April 11,   2014; Campus Center Auditorium. .
$1,250 10th Annual Spring Gospel Concert/ UMass Gospel Choir-RSO Gospel concert including performances by students and other RSOs-B.A.S.I.C., Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, Chi Alpha and ACTS. April 26, 2014; 65 Bartlett Hall.
$500 Writer’s Work-Chris Parris-Lamb/ Department of English Workshop on how writers and other artists develop careers outside the academia. Parris-Lamb is a literary agent from the Gernet Agency. April 4, 2014; 316 Bartlett Hall.
$1,500 The Emily Dickinson Project/ Department of Theater Theatrical production of the poet in multiple historical forms to give a single persona. This new play is written by UMass undergraduate Emma Ayres and graduate student Brianna Sloane. June 6-7, 2014; Dickinson homestead, Amherst. .
$1,500 Evil Dead/ UMass Theater Guild-RSO Theatrical production of the musical EVIL DEAD depicting common and gratuitous use of violence, the role of gender, and cause of violence towards women in Hollywood entertainment industry. April 24-26,2014; 65 Bartlett Hall. .
$450 CHAPBOOK/ Jubilat  Printing and distribution of 150 free copies of “Chapbook” in English department  Classrooms, College Writing classrooms, Writing Program Offices, from April 1   through the end of Spring semester 2014.
$1,500 One Island, One Love/ HASA-CASA-RSO  Annual cultural event with performances by various artists both from UMass and 5   Colleges. March 29, 2014; 6:30 pm– 2 am; Campus Center Auditorium. .
$750 BFA Thesis Show/ Department of Art, Architecture, and Art History “Keyframed”, and exhibition featuring work by UMass animation students. April 28-  May 2, 2014; Student Union Art Gallery.     


$1,500 Opera Riwomenght Here, Right Now/ Department of Music and Dance
Performaidniances by the University’s Opera Workshop under the direction of Prof. Amy Johnson will include Puccini’s Gianna Schicchi and Verdi’s La Traviata, Act. I. April 30, May 1, 2013, 7:30pm in Bowker Auditorium. $
$1,250 Going Green the Wong Way/ Department of English
Comedian and performer Kristina Wong will be in residence. Two performances of Going Green the Wong Way are scheduled along with talk-back sessions and classroom visits. October 22-23, 2012, 8pm, Campus Center Reading Room. $
$750 Reel Women in East Germany/ DEFA Film Library
Film director Iris Gusner will be in residence. Classroom visits, screenings of several of Gusner’s films and a public forum will take place. September 25-October 3, 2012. Click here for specific event details.
$1,500 Spring Awakening/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
Frank Wedkins 19th century musical theater piece Spring Awakening will be student produced and presented November 8-10, 2012 at various times in Bowker Auditorium. $
$600 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)/ Department of Theater
This student-run production features three actors creating 44 characters performing the work of Shakespeare in 90 minutes. December 5-7, 2012, Curtain Theater, 7pm.
$400 Writers Work/ Juniper Initiative
Writers Work brings distinguished professionals working in fields related to the literary and book arts to campus. John Dickson will speak on Fulbright grants November 8, 2012 at 4pm in Memorial Hall. Kathryn Burak will speak in the spring (2013) on her work with Grub Street Launch Lab, a program to help authors develop crucial marketing and networking skills.
$940 jubilat 22/ jubilat - Department of English
450 copies of jubilat 22, an international poetry and literary journal, will be distributed free of charge in classrooms and on the Campus Center Concourse in December 2012.
$2,000 Magnet Theatre Residency/ Department of Theater
Students in the Department of Theater have facilitated a residency by the South African theatre company, Magnet Theatre. Classroom visits, public lectures and performances are included. Every Year, Every Day, I am Walking will be presented January 30-31, February 1-2, 2013 at 8pm in the Rand Theater. $
$315 UMTG Coffee House/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
The Theatre Guild’s coffee house offers members of the UMass community an opportunity to perform. December 1, 2012, 7 pm, Campus Center Reading Room.
$700 Writers Work/ Juniper Initiative
On March 29 at 11am, Kate Johnson and Renee Zuckerbrot will present an overview of their responsibilities as literary agents. A Q&A session will follow. Matthew Zapruder, author and editor for Wave Books, will speak on April 26, 2013. Bartlett 316.
$1,700 Body Politics - 10th Anniversary/ Women of Color Leadership Network
A 10 week creative writing/performance workshop led by Leslie Saulsberry will conclude with a performance and the screening of a documentary on Body Politics, March 29-30, 2013 in the Campus Center Auditorium.
$200 Jubilat makes a Chapbook/ Jubilat
UMass undergraduates are invited to submit poetry or prose for consideration. One writers’ work will be featured in a chapbook for distribution to the campus community. 100-150 will be printed.
$550 Festival of Madness and Mayhem/Renaissance Center
A staged reading of “the Alchemist” will take place on April 7 at 2pm in the Upper Rand Lobby. A fully staged production of “The Merchant of Venice” will be presented in the Black Box Theater at the UMass Renaissance Center on various dates between April 18-27, 2013.
$400 India Night/Indian Student Association-RSO
Celebrating “Holi”, this cultural event will include Indian music and performances of contemporary and traditional dance and folk art. April 14, 6pm, Student Union Ballroom. $
$600 Alive with Dance/ Alive with Dance-RSO
The choreography of eight senior dance majors will be featured in this student dance concert. April 18-20 at 8pm, Bowker Auditorium. $
$450 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
This student production of Tom Stoppard’s Tony-award winning play will be performed at 7pm, April 11-13, 2013 in Bowker Auditorium. $
$400 TCA Cultural Night Market/ Taiwanese Student Association-RSO
Cultural Night Market will include umbrella painting, calligraphy, henna, belly dancing, origami and performances by student dance groups. The market will take place on April 28 from 5-9pm in the Student Union Ballroom. $
$170 MR Nomads/ Massachusetts Review
Hundreds of copies of the Massachusetts Review will feature MR Nomads stickers encouraging readers to document their temporary ownership of the book as the books travel the world.
$900 Sampling and Remixing of VENUS/ Department of Theater
This interdisciplinary Hip Hop event is designed to employ art and music to create conversations about depictions of black female sexuality in mainstream culture. April 5, 4pm, Fine Arts Center Atrium.
$750 Curtains/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
Student production of the musical “Curtains” to be held at 8pm on March 29-30 at Amherst High School. $
$550 8th Annual UMass Amherst Film Festival/ UVC-TV 19-RSO
This event will include the screening of award winning student films and presentation of awards. Charles Ferguson’s film INSIDE JOB will also be shown. April 4, Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
$400 Paper Mirrors - An Audiovisual Experience/ WMUA
This thesis production by Dylan Brener will involve mural artist Edgardo Sanchez, afro-rock band Delicate Steve and the creation of a documentary. April 4, 7pm, Bowker Auditorium.


$2,000 Joy Harjo Mini-Residency/ Department of English
Native American poet-healer-philosopher-saxophonist Joy Harjo will be in residence speaking in English and Theater courses. Free performance “Soul Talk, Song Language” including storytelling, poetry and indigenous song, Tuesday, October 18th at 7pm in Bowker Auditorium.
$2,000 The Tailor of Inverness Artist Residency/ Department of English
Matthew Zajac will be in residence to perform “The Tailor of Inverness” Jan. 31-Feb. 3, attend classes, and conduct workshops on “Devising Plays Based on Personal Histories.” Produced by Dogstar Theatre Company from Scotland, this production has been performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and continues the departments’ tradition of bringing EFF productions to UMass-Amherst. $
$1,000 Visiting Writers Series: Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge/ MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Poet Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge will read her work, September 22 at 8pm in Memorial Hall.
$1,200 Jubilat Literary Journal/ jubilat, Department of English
The 20th publication of jubilat will be distributed through December 2011through English courses, the Butterfield Writing Program and a Campus Center Concourse table. jubilat is an NEA-awarded journal of international poetry and literature and features work of new writers alongside those of international stature.
$918 Telling Stories: An exhibition of the story from start to finish/ Department of Art
Seven senior BFA students in the Animation Department will be exhibiting their work in SOM 133 and the Studio Arts Building, December 9-12, 2011.
$450 Fall Coffeehouse/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
This free coffeehouse offers an opportunity for all members of the UMass community to perform and support their peers. The event will take place on December 4, 2011 in Earthfoods.
$2,000 Transforming Threads of Resistance: Political Arpilleras and Textiles by Women From Chile and Around the World/ Legal Studies Program
As part of “The Art of Conflict Transformation Event Series”, an exhibition of political textiles will be held at the Student Union Gallery, February 27-March 9, 2012. Several public talks, workshops and class visits are also planned.
$897 Visiting Writers Series: Michael Martone and Sam Michel/ MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Fiction readings by Michael Martone and Sam Michel will take place on December 8, 2011 at 8pm in Memorial Hall.
$1,700 Alive with Dance/ Alive with Dance-RSO
This annual student-produced dance performance will showcase the work of eight student choreographers in styles ranging from contemporary to ballet to hip-hop. Performances will take place April 16-18, 2012 in Bowker Auditorium. $
$1,700 Juniper Literary Festival/ Juniper Initiative-Department of English
The 12th annual Juniper Literary Festival will take place April 13-14, 2012 in the Fine Arts Center and various campus locations. There will be readings, roundtable discussions, a small press fair and keynote address by acclaimed poet and UMass professor James Tate.
$500 Quinn Bauriedel Workshop/ Department of Theater
A free workshop will take place on February 19, 2012 entitled “Something from Nothing”, focusing on ensemble-building and collective playmaking. The workshop will be facilitated by Quinn Bauriedel, Co-Artistic Director of Pig Iron Theatre Company.
$1,700 Mark Hollman Residency/ Department of Theater
A three day residency with Tony-award winning composer and lyricist Mark Hollman is planned for February 15-17, 2012 in conjunction with the department’s production of Hollman’s play “Urinetown.” Workshops with cast members and composition students are included, along with an evening talk, open to the public.
$1,000 Visiting Writers Series: Kate Bernheimer/ MFA Program for Poets and Writers
A fiction reading by Kate Bernheimer will take place February 16, 2012 in Memorial Hall.
$1,700 19th Annual Massachusetts Multicutural Film Festival: “Intersections: Fiction/Non-Fiction”/ Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies
This free film festival will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 from February 9-April 25, 2012 in SOM 137. Directors will often be present to speak about their work. The festival has been integrated into courses, colloquia, lectures and research projects.
$320 Critiques and Lecture by David Teeple/ Department of Art
Artist David Teeple will offer studio critiques to MFA Studio Arts students and provide a public lecture February 22, 2012.
$1,600 UMass POWWOW/ Josephine White Eagle Cultural Center
This free, annual POWOW will take place in the Curry Hicks Cage on April 21, 2012. A drum roll call, blessing of the circle, singers, dancers and storytellers will be present. The host drum group “Urban Thunder” is comprised of UMass alumni.
$1,325 Visiting Writers Series: Sunetra Gupta and Brenda Coultas/ MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Readings by Sunetra Gupta and Brenda Coultas will take place in Memorial Hall at 8pm, March 29, 2012.
$1,200 “A Little Night Music”/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
Stephen Sondheim’s “A Little Night Music” will be produced and presented in a tent on the library lawn April 12-14, 2012. This student run production will provide opportunities for 40 students to act, direct, produce, stage manage, design and market. $
$448 jubilat makes a chapbook/ jubilat, Department of English
A poetry contest will be open to UMass undergraduates with the winner being honored by the production of 100 copies of a chapbook. Various readings will be held featuring the work of the winner and other contestants. The chapbook will be available April 2012.
$1,787 2012 MFA Thesis Exhibitions/ Department of Art
The work of four graduate MFA students, Chad Seelig, Courtney Cullen, Katie Baker and Joshua Field will be featured in the Herter Gallery April 15-28, 2012
$600 Local Focus: Global Reach/ UMass American Institute of Architecture Students
A three day conference entitled “Local Focus: Global Reach” will take place on campus April 20-22, 2012 for students from architecture programs throughout the northeast. Presentations, workshop and a design charette are included. $
$800 Open Studios and MFA Visual Yearbook/ Student Association of Graduate Artists
Open Studios will take place on April 14, 2012 in the Studio Arts Building and include the work of MFA students. A 40 page full color “yearbook” of MFA work will be created.
$500 Korean Night/ Korean Student Association-RSO
Korean Night will include traditional drumming, marital arts, fan dance, singing and a performance by Korean comic David So. Korean Night will take place on April 7, 2012 in the Fine Arts Center.
$1,000 UStep 3/ National Pan-Hellenic Council
This annual step dance competition will take place April 14, 2012 in the Mullins Center and feature students from fraternities and sororities at UMass and throughout New England. $


$1,500 LGBT Literature over the Past 25 Years/Stonewall Center
Panel discussion with LGBT writers Cherrie Moraga, Leslea Newman, Eileen Myles and Alix Olson-October 6, 4-6pm, location TBA. Lecture by Cherrie Moraga October 5, 8pm, 65 Bartlett Hall. Events are part of the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Center.


$1,000 Visiting Writers Series: Bernadette Mayer/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Poetry reading by Bernadette Mayer. September 30, 8pm, Memorial Hall.


$200 Moveable Feast/Department of Architecture and Design
Art and food project promoting “Food System Change” advocating for building a healthier local and regional food system. The food trailer will be transformed into an artistic vehicle with educational panels and graphic materials. Visits to various locations including the University Gallery, September-October, various times.


$1,500 DEFA Film Library 2010 Artist-in-Residence Joerg Forth/DEFA Film Library
German film director Joerg Forth will be in residence September 20-November 22, working on a piece about the last generation of East German filmmakers. Several of his films will be shown and discussed, class visits are planned.


$2,000 LGBT Music over the Past 25 Years/Stonewall Center
Panel discussion, “LGBT Music over the Past 25 Years” with noted musicians Zoe Lewis, June Millington and Amy Ray along with a concert. Events are part of the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Center. November 17, panel discussion 4-6pm, 119 Agricultural Engineering Building. Zoe Lewis and Amy Ray concert 8pm, Student Union Ballroom.


$1,500 Alive with Dance/Alive with Dance-RSO
Annual student-produced concert, “Alive with Dance”, showcasing student choreographers and dancers. April 21-23, 8pm, Bowker Auditorium.


$1000 “Signal Decay” Drawing Performance and Lecture/Department of Art, Architecture and Art History
Artists Keegan and Nick will visit art studios, offer critiques, present a public lecture on their artistic practice and mount a three hour performance entitled “Signal Decay.” November 16 and 17, noon to 6pm, Campus Center Concourse.


$600 Writers Work/The Juniper Initiative
In its 10th year as a career exploration series, Writers Work will bring Lance Olsen, Chair of the Board of Directors at Fiction Collective Two to campus. An archives and special collections round-table will be held with David Kermani, President and founder of the Flow Chart Foundation. December 3 and 7, 10am to noon, Bartlett 316.


$800 Visiting Writers Series: Natalie Lyalin and Michael Earl Craig/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Readings by poets Natalie Lyalin and Michael Earl Craig. November 16, 8pm, Augusta Savage Gallery.


$800 “Reservoir Dogs”/Department of Theater
Student production of “Reservoir Dogs” with an original script adapted by students from the 1992 cult classic film by Quentin Tarantino November 17-19, 7pm, FAC 204.


$1,500 18th Annual Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival: Cinematic Collaborations/Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies
Festival presenting the best of new fiction, documentary and experimental filmmaking by international filmmakers. “Cinematic Collaborations” will feature ten screenings, discussions, seminars and class visits by filmmakers. February 2-April 27, 7:30pm, SOM 137.


$1,500 Festival of New Plays by American Women/Committee for New Plays by Women-Department of Theater
The “Festival of New Plays by American Women” will consist of three full-length plays by women playwrights followed by a Q&A session. A symposium focusing on the crisis facing women and possible courses of action will also be presented. April 15-16, various times, Curtain Theater.


$800 Distribution of jubilat literary journal/jubilat-RSO
500 free copies of the eighteenth issue of the literary journal jubilat will be distributed to UMass undergraduates and the campus community. Fall 2010.


$1,500 Sister Spit/Stonewall Center
Workshops and performance by seven member feminist performance troupe Sister Spit. Performance, April 6, 8pm in the Student Union Ballroom. Workshops throughout the day on April 7.


$1,200 Gospel Music: The Music of Our Struggle and the Music of Our Liberation/Malcolm X Cultural Center
Concert by Grammy Award winning artist Vickie Winans as part of Black History Month. February 26, 7pm, Bowker Auditorium.


$1,500 New Music Festival 2011/Department of Music and Dance
The 2011 New Music Festival will provide contemporary music written by Five College composters, finalist in the Young Music Composer’s competition and composers who have visited or liv(d) in the Pioneer Valley. Four concerts are scheduled. September 16-18, various times, Bezanson Hall.


$1,200 Performing Artist and Playwright Residency: Peggy Shaw/Department of English
3 day campus residency by internationally celebrated playwright and performance artist Peggy Shaw. Performance of “The Inside Story” on April 7 and 8 in Bartlett 65. Workshops each day of the residency.


$500 “Night on the Galactic Railroad” Colloquium/Department of Theater
Colloquium including panel discussion, performance workshop and keynote speech by Dr. Sarah Strong in conjunction with the production of “Night on the Galactic Railroad”. February2 6, 2-6pm, Rand Theater and FAC 204.


$1,000 Juniper Literary Festival/Juniper Literary Festival


$500 11th Annual Juniper Literary Festival: New Writers/New Writing will take place April 15-16 in the Fine Arts Center. Readings, an editors roundtable, keynote speech and independent journal and press fair are included.


$500 Visiting Writers Series: Matthew Rohrer & Anthony McCann/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Poets Matthew Rohrer and Anthony McCann will read their work and answer questions. February 17, 8pm, Memorial Hall.


$2,000 Elixir of Love/Department of Music and Dance
Student based production of “The Elixir of Love” by Gaetano Donizetti. April 29, May 1, 8pm, Bowker Auditorium.


$750 MFA Thesis Exhibitions/Department of Art, Architecture and Art History
Thesis exhibitions in Herter and Hampden Galleries by Hanna Richards, Jieun Shin, Steve Snell, Michele Lauriat, Michelle Dickson and Nafis Azad. Various dates, week-long exhibitions.


$620 Visiting Writers Series: David Means/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Fiction writer David Means will read his work and answer questions. March 10, 8pm, Memorial Hall.


$450 Symphonie Fantastique Commencement Exhibit/Department of Art, Architecture and Art History
Exhibition of work from Capstone Course “Recreating a Historic Masterpiece”. May 14, Hampden Gallery.


$600 Lucy Thurber Visit/Department of Theater
Lecture, post-show discussion and reading by playwright Lucy Thurber in conjunction with the departments’ production of her play “Scarcity”. April 7-9 in various Theater Department locations.


$900 SASA NIGHT 2011/South Asian Students Association-RSO
South Asian cultural event including traditional and contemporary music and dance along with a fashion show. April 8, 7-11pm, Campus Center Auditorium.


$1,000 POWWOW/Josephine White Eagle Cultural Center
A day-long powwow including drum performances by Urban Thunder and Silver Cloud, cultural song and dance. April 23, Curry Hicks Cage.


$1,400 “Gloria” and “Speed Machine”/University Dancers-RSO
The University Dancers will include performances of “Gloria” by Mark Morris and Carol Ceniti’s “Speed Machine” as part of their annual concert. December 4-6, 2009, 8pm, Bowker Auditorium.



$1,400 Tim Crouch Residency/Department of English
Performing artist and playwright Tim Crouch will be in residence March 22-26, 2010. Workshops in playwriting and dramaturgy will be featured in addition to a production of his award-winning plays “England” and “An Oak Tree”. Performances will take place in various venues, including the University Gallery, March 23-25, 2010.



$550 “Spring Awakening: A Sin of Omission”/Department of Theater
Interdisciplinary workshops and community events culminating in the production of “Spring Awakening: A Sin of Omission”. Funding used for choreographer Madelyne Camera and visual artist Beckie Kravitz. Performances March 2-6, 2010 various times in the Curtain Theater.



$1,000 Visiting Writers Series: Mary Gaitskill/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Fiction reading by Mary Gaitskill, author of “Veronica”, “Two Girls: Fat and Thin” and several books of stories. November 5, 2009, 8pm, Memorial Hall.



$1,500 “The Misa Table”: 1905 guest artists/Department of Theater
Production of a multi-media dance-theater piece entitled “1905” by guest artists, The Misa Table. Artist residencies in the fall to develop the work, and in January for technical rehearsals. Performances January 22-24, 2010 in the Curtain Theater.



$800 Visiting Artist Program/Department of Art, Architecture and Art History
Sculptors Betsy Alwin and Bill Smith, photographer Jin Lee and painter Ben Gardner will come to campus in the spring of 2010 to provide a public lecture and one-on-one studio visits with advanced Art students. January-May, 2010, Studio Arts Building.



$1,600 “A Movement-the premier event”/Department of Dance
A student produced dance concert involving collaborations with the Music Department and student organizations. Five original works, choreographed by UMass students Andria LaRocco and Beth Liebowitz will be performed. February 5-6, 2010, 8pm, Totman Gym.



$1,000 “Rita” by Gaetano Donizetti/Department of Music
Fully staged production of Donizetti’s one act opera, “Rita”, conducted by UMass MM student Matthew Bertuzzi. April 10, 2010, 5pm, Bowker Auditorium.



$500 Jubilat 17/Jubilat
Printing assistance for the 17th publication of the literary journal Jubilat. 400 copies to be distributed at no charge at the end of the fall ’09 semester.



$1,200 “Afro-Dominican is not an Oxymoron”/Casa Domincana-RSO
Performance and workshop with Kumba Carey. A film “The Culture of Paolo-Paolo Music and Oral Traditions from the Dominican Republic” will be shown. Kumba Carey performance on January 21, 2010, 7pm, Campus Center Auditorium.


$500 Visiting Writers Series: Charles Simic/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Poet Charles Simic will read his work. November 19, 2009, 8pm, Memorial Hall.



$325 BSU Comedy Show/Black Students Union-RSO
BSU’s annual comedy show including Rob Stapleton and Vanessa Fraction. Student performances will also be included. November 20, 2009, 8pm, Bowker Auditorium.



$800 Kumba Carey Performance/Casa Dominicana-RSO
Additional funding is provided for the Kumba Carey performance has been included in the Dominican Independence Celebration on February 27, 2010, 8pm, Fine Arts Center Lobby.



$600 Visiting Artist Program/Department of Art, Architecture and Art History
Additional funding for spring 2010 artist lecture by photographer Jin Lee, March 10, 2010, Studio Arts Building.



$1,000 Visiting Writers Series: Rae Armantrout/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Poetry reading by Rae Armantrout. March 4, 2010, 8pm, Memorial Hall.



$2,000 10th Annual Juniper Literary Festival/Juniper Literary Festival
Free festival of readings by renowned poets and writers; discussions from editors, writers and critics regarding the future of literary arts; journal and press fair. April 23-24, 2010 in the Fine Arts Center and University Gallery.



$1,200 Alive With Dance/ Alive With Dance-RSO
Annual student produced dance concert featuring student choreography. April 22-24, 2010, Bowker Auditorium, 8pm



$900 Short Cuts Publication and Release event/Shortcuts-RSO
12th annual publication of undergraduate short fiction journal. April, 2010



$1,200 mOthertongue: A Multilingual Journal for the Arts/ mOthertongue
17th annual volume featuring work from UMass students and others in the five college community. Reading to take place at the reception. April 2010



$1,000 Comedy Jam/ Student Valley Productions-RSO
Local and professional comedy troupes performing and offering workshops at the annual event. April 9-10, 2010, Bartlett 65, 8pm



$500 Knowledge for Power/ Student Bridges-RSO
Workshop series for school aged children to dance and create their own spoken-word and lyrical pieces, focusing on social justice and the arts. March 27, April 3, April 10, and May 1, 2010



$750 Wayang Ball/ Department of Theater
Workshop by Larry Reed and Shadow Light Productions related to his production, ”The Wayang Ball,” September 29, 2010, Bowker Auditorium, 2pm



$1,000 Phallacies Video Project/ UHS Center for Health Promotion
Video project to allow weekly men’s health dialogue group to create theatrical performances on the impact of hegemonic masculinity on individual and community health. January-May, 2010



$1,675 “Narcoleptic Lovers” and “Day on Earth”/University Dancers
The University Dancers will include performances of “Narcoleptic Lovers” and “Day on Earth” as part of their annual concert. December 4-6, 2008, 8pm, Bowker Auditorium.



$600 Contemporary and Visual Artist Ellen Gallagher/G.A.S.A.
Ellen Gallagher will participate in individual critiques as well as a public lecture. October 29-30, 2008, Studio Arts Building.



$1,175 “…and Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi”/Department of Theater
Puppeteer Garland Farwell will be in residence as part of this innovative new play. February 8-May 9, 2009, performances in the Curtain Theater.



$675 The Good Asian Drivers/Residential Life Staff
The Good Asian Drivers will be performing slam poetry. October 18, 2008, 7pm Herter 227.



$1,000 Poetry Jam/Black Student Union-RSO
A night of poetry readings by students and professional poets Darian Daushan and Ed Menchavez. October 17, 2008, 7:30pm, Student Union Ballroom.



$600 Writers Work/The Juniper Initiative
Professionals of the field of writing will be present to showcase the wide variety of ways UMass students can become involved in the field of writing. -December 5, 2008, 11am-2pm, Bartlett Hall.



$1,275 “Lend Me a Tenor”/UMass Theater Guild-RSO
Performances of student produced “Lend Me a Tenor” will take place November 20- 22, 2008, Amherst Public High School.



$600 The Art of Paper Marbling/Student Union Craft Center
Three artists from the Chena River Marblers Company will present workshops on the art of paper marbling. November 13, 2008, Student Union Craft Center, registration required.



$2,000 16th Annual Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival: Beyond the Wall/Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies
The Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies presents a festival of films. SOM 137, February 11- May 6, Wednesdays 7pm-10pm.



$119 “One For All and All For Art”/Communications Deptartment
A day of art featuring the work of UMass students. December 6, 2008, Fine Arts Center 4th floor, noon-5pm.



$400 “Impossible Marriage”/Theater Department
A student produced one act play directed by a UMass Alumna. December 6-8, 2008, Fine Arts Center 204.



$500 UMass Theatre Guild Coffeehouse/UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
A variety show featuring UMass students and their various talents. December 7, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 7pm-11pm.



$160 Beading Holiday Gifts Craft Event/Big Brothers/ Big Sisters-RSO
Big Brothers/ Big Sisters will host a craft making event for the children of the program. December 6, 2008, Crafts Center, 11am-2pm.



$900 Jubilat 15/Jubilat
Publication of the 15th edition of the international poetry and literary journal, Jubilat. Distribution in October 2008.



$400 Student Film Screening/Art Department
A screening of the student produced film Silvia by William Rogan. December 19, 2008, Herter 231, 2pm.



$1,500 Body Politics 2009/Women of Color Leadership Network
Performances celebrating a 19 week process chronicling the histories of Women of Color. April 16 and 17, 2009. Bowker Auditorium 7pm.



$500 BSU 2nd Annual Comedy Show/The Black Student Union-RSO
The Black Student Union’s 2nd annual comedy show with performances by Dean Cole and Cocoa Brown. November 21, 2008 Campus Center Auditorium, 7pm.



$400 “Home” and “The Untold Square”/Art Department
Art Students Brendan Dean and Ke Nancy Feng will present their BFA thesis projects. December 15-19, 2008, Student Union Art Gallery, 10am-5pm.



$400 The Quisqueya Awards/ HASA/CASA-RSO’s
The Hatian Student Association and Casa Dominicana present their fifteenth annual cultural event including dance performances . December 6, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 6:30pm-2am.



$700 Spring of Heritage Cultural Show/ Vietnamese Student Association-RSO
The Vietnamese Student Association presents its annual cultural show, including Lion dance, spoken word artist Vinh Hua, and traditional and modern song and dance. February 9, 2009, FAC Auditorium, 11:30-1:30.



$1,400 New Music Fesitival/ Department of Music and Dance
The Music Department presents four concerts with performances by Five College composers, Pioneer Valley composers, and the finalists in the Young Composers Competition. September 11-13, 2009. Bezanson Recital Hall.



$700 “In Whose Voice”/Art History
The Art History Department will host a roundtable discussion focusing on multicultural and contextual challenges museums face when exhibiting works of art. March 31, 2009, University Gallery, 4pm.



$700 “The Henriad” Radio Production/Renaissance Center
“The Henriad” will be broadcast on student-run radio station, WMUA 91.1. This will also be available as a downloadable podcast. May 23 and 30 and June 6 and 13, 2009. WMUA 91.1.



$250 Awaji-Puppet Theater/Theater Department
The Theater Department will host a workshop with masters of this unique form of puppetry. February 27, 2009, Curtain Theater, 3-5pm.



$900 13th Annual Comedy Jam/Student Valley Productions-RSO
Student Valley Productions presents their 13th Annual Comedy Jam, which will also include workshops for students to improve their improvisational and sketch comedy skills. April 3-4, 2009, Bartlett 65, 7pm.



$500 Asian Night 2009-Breaking the Stereotype/Asian American Student Association- RSO
The Asian American Student Association presents their annual Asian night, including spoken word and poetry, Japanese drumming, traditional dances, Asian music and a fashion show. April 11, 2009, Fine Arts Center, 7pm.



$1,800 Juniper Literary Festival-Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Massachusetts Review/Juniper Literary Festival
The Juniper Literary Festival is presenting their 9th Annual event including readings from authors featured in Mass Review’s pages, addresses, and editor’s roundtable and an independent journal and press fair. April 24-25, 2009, Fine Arts Center and University Gallery.



$650 Bonanza/Writers Work/Juniper Initiative
The Juniper Literary Initiative will host forums focusing on envisioning, production, distribution, fundraising and sustainability of their work as writers. February 27, March 23, and April 17, 2009, Bartlett 316, 11am.



$400 Visiting Artist Lecture Terry Slade/Art Department
Terry Slade will review portfolios, discuss his work, practices and experiences, and have an open discussion with the audience. March 19, 2009, Studio Arts Building, 6:30pm.



$200 Soul TV Presents…A Fashion Affair/ Soul TV-RSO
Soul TV will be hosting a fashion show displaying works of UMass students as well as dances in body paint. February 28, 2009, Campus Center Auditorium, 7pm.



$700 17th Annual Cambodian New Year Celebration/Cambodian Student Association- RSO
The Cambodian Student Association will host their annual cultural night, integrating dance, theater, film and music into the evening. April 10, 2009, Student Union Ballroom, 7:30pm.



$1,000 mOthertongue/mOthertongue-RSO
mOthertongue is a diverse, multilingual literary arts journal printed in the contributor's native language and translated to English. 500 copies will be distributed at a public reading/reception in May, 2009.



$900 bare/UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
"bare" is "a modern pop opera. . .that tells the story of two homosexual catholic students coming to terms with their sexuality under the eyes of their peers and the church." May 7-9, 2009, Fine Arts Center Concert Hall.




$600 Short Cuts Literary Journal/Short Cuts-RSO
Short Cuts provides an opportunity for undergraduate fiction writers to be published. Copies will be distributed at a publication party and through Campus Center Concourse tabling in April 2009.



$750 Haitian Night 2009/Haitian American Student Association-RSO
This cultural event will include the singing of the Haitian National Anthem, dance performances, poetry readings and a skit. April 24, 2009, Student Union Ballroom, 7pm.




$1,250 Spring Gospel Choir/UMass Gospel Choir-RSO
Performances by both UMass students and The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. May 8, 2009, Student Union Ballroom, 7pm.




$775 Korean Night/Korean Student Association-RSO
This event will include traditional drumming, Tae Kwon Do, traditional dancing, Korean traditional clothing, singing and spoken word. March 28, 2009, Fine Arts Center, 7pm.




$1,700 Dance, Salome, Dance!/ English Department
This event features a one week choreography residency by Kevin Iega Jeff. A master class is included. Performances April 8-9, 2009 in the Rand Theater and Earl Recital Hall at Smith. Discussions will follow the performances. Residency
April 2-10, 2009.




$900 Juniper Literary Festival/Juniper Literary Festival
The festival will include readings from authors featured in Mass Review's pages, addresses, an editor's roundtable and an independent journal and press fair. April 24-25, 2009. Fine Arts Center and University Gallery.




$500 ASA Night Fall 2008/African Student Association-RSO
Event including fashion show, cultural dance and informative skits. December 13, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 7pm.




$750 The Dakshina Ensemble/ WMUA-FM
The Dakshina Ensemble features saxophone players, Rudresh Mahanthappa and Kadri Gopalnath. A tea reception for artists and audience after the performance and workshop for UMass students featuring Mahanthappa are included. November 18, 2007, Bowker Auditorium, 4pm.




$1,000 Tony Kushner/ Stonewall Center
Tony Kushner will speak on contemporary political, social, and cultural issues, including the experiences of Jewish and LGBT people. October 9, 2007, Rand Theater, 7pm.




$1,000 “Tears of Joy” and “There is a Time”/ University Dancers
The University Dancers will perform "Tears of Joy" and “There is a Time” as part of their annual performance. December 6-8, 2007, Bowker Auditorium, 8pm. 




$1,150 Playwright Dan O’Brien/ UMASS Theater Department
Dan O'Brien’s adaptation of Jean Giraudoux's Ondine will be performed in the Theater Department. O’Brien will be on hand during the rehearsal process and will return from Feb. 28 to March 1 for visits to dramatic writing classes and discussions
about the art of adaptation.



$2,000 “The Wild Party”/ UMass Theater Guild-RSO
The Theatre Guild will present "The Wild Party," a colorful, vaudeville style-slice of life in the 1920's. November 15-17, 2007, Bowker Auditorium.



$1,500 Visiting Writers Series /MFA Program for Poets and Writers
Readings by short story author, Sam Michel and author, editor and teacher, Bin Ramke. November 8 and December 6, 2007 in various locations, 8pm.



$600 East Meets West: Native American Fashion Show /Native American Student Association-RSO
This fashion show will include artistic elements of contemporary and traditional clothing from Eastern and Western tribes, and a drum group, "Iron River." A daylong event, November 3, 2007 in Bowker Auditorium.


$2,000 15th Annual MA Multicultural Film Festival: “Conflict and Community”/ Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies
This series will include special focus on films by Africans and African Americans in a mini-series entitled "Africanicities". February 6-May 8, 2008 at various locations.



$2,000 “Singular Works, Plural Possibilities” symposium/Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
This symposium will bring together artists and landscape architects in the hopes of fostering interdisciplinary learning and collaborative approaches between the academic and larger public communities relating to art in the public domain.
April 25, 2008, Flavin Auditorium, 8am-9pm.



$600 Coffee House/UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
This Coffee House provides an opportunity for students to perform, featuring a wide variety of talents. December 9, 2007, Student Union Ballroom, 7-11pm.



$282 HASA/CASA/Haitian American Student Association-RSO
With a theme of "Coming to Hispaniola", students will perform a skit emphasizing the differences in Haitian and Dominican culture as part of this cultural celebration. Student choreographed dances will be presented. December 1,
2007, Student Union Ballroom, 6:30 pm-12:30 am.



$2,000 Jubilat/Jubilat
Publication of the 14th issue of the literary journal JUBILAT will be distributed in January 2008.



$100 Vietnamese New Year Show/Vietnamese Student Association/RSO
This year’s show will include a performance by the Hong Tin Lion Dance Team, traditional dances, singing, and an ancestral homage ceremony. February 22, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 8-11pm.



$500 “HELLO”/Herter Gallery/Art Department
This exhibition will display artwork from six alumni from the UMass Art Department and six graduates from the Tama School of Art, and the Nippon University in Tokyo, Japan. It will be on display at NYC’s Caelum Gallery prior to coming to UMass. A bilingual English/Japanese illustrated brochure will be created. March 12 to April 12, 2008, Herter Gallery.



$500 Visiting Writers Series/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
The event will include readings by author Alice Notley, and author and Pulitzer Prize winner, James Tate. April 3 and May 8, 2008, Memorial Hall, 8pm.



$1,500 Godspell/UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
“Godspell” is a musical based on stories from the Book of Matthew in the Bible that tell the story of Jesus' life through song and dance. The Theatre Guild offers students experience in all aspects of production; technical, administrative and artistic. April 10-12, 2008, Bowker Auditorium.



$1,500 8th Annual Juniper Literary Festival, “The World and the World”/Juniper Initiative
The festival will include a keynote address, readings, film screenings, roundtables, and interviews to show relationships between environmental science and literary art. April 25-26, 2008, Bartlett Hall, noon-10pm.



$700 Cherrie Moraga/Theater Department
The Theater Department will be performing “The Hungry Woman” written by playwright Cherrie Moraga. Moraga will be coming to campus in April to be part of a core rehearsal and, with the director, dramaturg and cast, present the rehearsal process at New WORLD Theater’s Intersection V conference. April 3 and 5, 2008, Curtain Theater.



Lianna Rasmussen’s thesis exhibit will display 20-25 large color photographs from Botswana and Tanzania, and will focus on relationships between communities and their interactions with elephants. Student Union Gallery



$950 Short Cuts Literary Journal/Short Cuts-RSO
600 copies of Shortcuts will be distributed in a variety of ways at no charge throughout the community. The publication features student work.



$1,000 12th Annual Comedy Jam/Student Valley Productions-RSO
12 improvisational and sketch comedy troupes will take part in this annual event, including student groups, professionals and many UMass alumni. Workshops will also be presented. April 11-12, 2008, Bartlett Hall, 8-10pm.



$900 Body Politics 2008/Women of Color Leadership Network
These performances are the culmination of a 16 week program including creative writing/performance, a retreat and rehearsal. April 26-27, 2008, Student Union Ballroom and Campus Center Auditorium, 7pm.



$1,450 Triggering Change: Hip Hop, Media Justice and Social Responsibility/Black Graduate Student Association-GSO
"Triggering Change" is a conference that aims to involve artists, activists and the student body in the political mission of Hip Hop culture and will include topics such as race, independent media, aesthetics, commoditization and sexuality in Hip Hop culture. April 25, 1008, Campus Center, 9am-5pm.



$1,000 mOthertongue Multilingual Journal of Arts Reception/mOthertongue-RSO
This publication features student work and authors will read their works once in each language to an audience of students, faculty, alumni and community members. 800 copies of the publication will be distributed at no charge. May 1, 2008, Memorial Hall.



$575 Irish Movie Night/Irish Student Union-RSO
This free film festival will feature "Gangs of New York" and "Bloody Sunday", two movies that portray Irish history and culture. April 10 and April 24, 2008, Cape Cod Lounge, 7:30pm.



$1,000 Measure for Measure/Renaissance Center Theater Company
Students will be presenting a fully staged production of "Measure for Measure". April 23-27, 2008, Renaissance Center.



$450 SASA Night `08/South Asian Student Association-RSO
This cultural night will feature cultural dances, spoken word, comedy and a fashion show. April 25, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 7pm-1am.



$500 Southwest Week 2008/Southwest Area Government
Local musicians will take part in Battle of the Bands, with the winners opening for Providence, RI based band ZOX the following night. SOUTHWEST IDOL is also part of the festivities. May 7-8, 2008, Southwest Horseshoe.



$1,250 Asian Night: Around Asia in One Night/Asian American Student Association-RSO
This event will feature freestyle rapper Jin Au-Yeung, speaker Stevie Hoang and MC John Nguyen. Student performers from the five colleges will participate. April 5, 2008, Fine Arts Center, 7-10pm.



$800 Generation of Praise Gospel Concert/UMass Gospel Choir-RSO
This annual spring event will include choirs, dancers, mimes, sign language and theater. May 9, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 7-11pm.



$1,100 Stop Kiss/ UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
Stop Kiss is a comedic drama by Diana Son that is completely student produced. May 8-10, 2008, Black Box Theater at the Renaissance Center.



$1,000 Cambodian Student Association New Years Show/ Cambodian Student Association-RSO
This event will include traditional dances, fashion shows, skits and music, traditional and modern Cambodian dancing. Guest Speaker Soben Huon is a ballet dancer, self-taught pianist and violinist. Bad Boyz, a Cambodian band from Lowell will be performing. April 18, 2008, Student Union Ballroom, 6:30pm-1am. 



$1,135 Gregory Crewdson: Artist Lecture and Film Screening/ Graduate Art Student Association
Gregory Crewdson, Professor of Photography at Yale will give a lecture about his work as well as comment on the screening of the documentary film by Michael Blackwood, "Gregory Crewdson: the Aesthetics of Repression” from 7-9 pm, October 25, 2006. location TBD.



$2,000 Eddie Taketa/Doug Varone Residency/University Dancers-RSO
Doug Varone and troupe member Eddie Taketa will set a piece, "Strict Love", throughout the fall semester for and with University Dancers. Performances as part of the University Dancers’ concert, November 30-December 2, 2006 in Bowker Auditorium.



$800 Christa Donner, Artist Talk and Studio Visits/ Graduate Art Students Association
Christa Donner, a Chicago based artist, will give an hour long talk with the accompaniment of slides, followed by a Q&A session on November 15, 2006. Studio visits and critiques as well.



$1,150 "Into The Woods"/UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
Production of Stephen Sondheim’s "Into the Woods" incorporating a wide array of well know Grimm fairy tales into one cohesive story. November 16-18, 2006 in Bowker Auditorium.



$500 Ramadan Iftaar/Muslim Students' Association-RSO
The Annual Ramadan bringing awareness of Islamic customs and teachings through a variety of means. October 8, 2006, Campus Center Auditorium from 4:30-7:30 P.M.



$1,000 Visiting Writers Series: Lydia Davis/MFA Program for Poets and Writers, Juniper Fellows
Contemporary American write and author Lydia Davis will give a reading in Memorial Hall at 8 P.M. on November 2, 2006, preceded by a Q&A session in Bartlett.



$1,200 LOSAR/Students for a Free Tibet-RSO
A celebration of Tibetan New Year to be held from 6-9 pm on March 3, 2007 in the Campus Center Auditorium.
UMass Arts Council Single Project/Event Grants Awarded



$1,750 Brahms’s Requiem/Department of Music and Dance
University Chorale and Chamber Choir will be involved with performances of Brahms’ Requiem. 8pm March 15, 2007 in the Fine Arts Center Concert Hall.



$900 Harvest Night 2006/ African Students Association-RSO
Harvest Night 2006: "Youth are the Future" is made up of dance performances, a fashion show, a poetry reading, a live Rumbafrica, and a skit. 7 P.M. December 2, 2006 in the Campus Center Auditorium.



$1,750 Macbeth/UMass Theatre Guild-RSO
The UMass Theatre Guild has been working with five college students, community members and UMass students to put together the production of this unique version of Macbeth set in the 1940's Chicago Mafia underworld to be held at various times on December 7, 8, and 9, 2006 in the Student Union Ballroom.



$2,000 14th Multicultural Film Festival/Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies
The 14th Annual Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival "Encounters/Encuentros: New Cinemas of Latin America and Spain" will be held every Wednesday from February 7, 2007 to May 9, 2007 showcasing the innovative new and previously unavailable works of feature and documentary filmmakers from across South America, the Caribbean, Mexico and Spain.



$800 Visiting Writers Series/Poetry Reading by Susan Howe/MFA Program for Poets and Writers
A poetry reading by Susan Howe to be held at 8 P.M. on February 22, 2007 in Memorial Hall, preceded by an afternoon Q&A session in Bartlett Hall.



$1,000 Body Politics 2007/The Women of Color Leadership Network
The performance of BODY POLITICS 2007 will be held at 7pm on April 27 and 28, 2007 in the Student Union Ballroom is a culmination of a 16 week process of "holistic exploration" chronicling the unique histories of African- American, Latina, Asian and Native-American (ALANA) women through "first person narratives transformed into dramatic forms"



$1,600 Student Union Gallery 50th Anniversary/ Student Union Gallery
In celebration of the Student Union Gallery's 50th Anniversary, performance artist Laurie Anderson will discuss her life experiences and work to be held at 7pm on April 4, 2007 in the Student Union Ballroom.



$1,000 mOthertongue
mOthertongue is a multilingual journal of the arts. 600 copies of this free publication will be distributed in the spring of 2007 with a reception and reading on May 3, 2007 from 6:30-9pm in Memorial Hall.



$1,250 Caucasian Chalk Circle/ Theater Department
This production of Brecht's classic will include movement work by Troy Mercier and choreography by Ellen Kaz . 8pm, April 26-May 5 in the Rand Theater.



$800 David Darling Improvisation Workshop and Concert/Courageous Chaos Capstone of Commonwealth College
A day long intensive workshop in the methodology and practice of music improvisation by cellist David Darling will take place on Friday, March 2, 2007 from 9am-8pm in Bezanson Hall



$1,250 Undergraduate Shakespeare Festival/Theater Department
In its fifth year, the Shakespeare Festival is committed to presenting professional-level performances of Shakespeare and other Renaissance period plays that "educate and involve students and community members". 2-4 pm on May 6, 2007, outdoors at the Renaissance Center.



$1,000 Visiting Writers Series/Fiction Reading by Joy Williams/MFA Program for Poets and Writers, Juniper Fellows
A reading by Joy Williams, author of four novels, three collections of stories and a book of essay. 8 P.M. on March 29, 2007 in Memorial Hall.



$500 Asian Night - Embracing the Past/ Asian American Student Association- RSO
The Annual Asian Cultural Night will be held at 7pm on April 7, 2007 in the Fine Arts Center and will include traditional Japanese drumming, guest performers Ishle Yi Park and Kristine Sa, contemporary Asian music and a fashion show displaying Asian clothing.



$1,000 Southwest "Hollywood Week" 2007/Southwest Area Government
Southwest Week will be held at various times daily, May 7-11, 2007 in the Southwest Horseshoe. A weeklong series of events, open to all UMass students, includes a Battle of the Bands, UMass Idol, a concert by the band Less than Jake, a Body Image Campaign, a carnival and movie night.



$650 15th Annual Cambodian New Years Cultural Show/ Cambodian Students Association-RSO
The 15th Annual Cambodian New Years Cultural Show to be held from 7pm to 1 am on April 21, 2007 in the Campus Center Auditorium will include traditional and modern cultural dances, a skit based on folktales and a fashion show displaying cultural clothing



$1,500 Student Valley Productions 11th Annual Comedy Jam/Student Valley Productions-RSO
The 11th Annual Comedy Jam to be held from 7-10 pm on April 20-21, 2007 in Bartlett Hall, Room 65 will include performances by "Be Frank", "Dirty Water", "Team Submarine", "Derrick Comedy", "Improv Boston" and "Zebro"--many of which include UMass alumni. Workshops on improvisational and sketch comedy will be offered on April 21-22.



$1,500 Strange Courage: First Books/Juniper Literary Festival
A two day festival which includes readings, roundtable discussions, and author/editor open salon and Q&A forums after each reading. Over 20 poets and writers will be participating. April 27-28, 2007 in Memorial Hall.



$750 Korean Student Association: Korean Night/Korean Student Association- RSO
The Annual Korean Night will be held at 7 pm on April 20, 2007 in the Student Union Ballroom and includes Korean Pop music, modern and traditional Korean dancing, student singers, Tae Kwon Do and professional Korean drummers.



$1,000 Raised in Captivity by Nicky Silver/UMASS Theater Department
Michael Marceline's production of "Raised in Captivity" by Nicky Silver tells the story of people who are bound in prisons of their own creation striving for freedom and human connection to be held at various times on May 5-7, 2007 in the Curtain Theater.



$325 2nd Annual UMASS Film Festival/UVC-TV 19
The 2nd Annual UMASS Film Festival will be held on April 26, 2007 in Campus Center 101 featuring films from various student directors.



$400 Visiting Artist Lecture/Workshop: Ron Patenaude/Student Union Craft Center
This daylong workshop will provide beginner students with the opportunity to work with a professional stained glass artist, Ronald Patenaude, to create their own cylindrical luminary. To be held from 11am-4 pm on April 21, 2007 in the Craft Center.



$750 SASA Night: Taal-The Rhythm of South Asia/ South Asian Students Association-RSO
The 16th Annual SASA Cultural Night will be held at 7pm on April 20, 2007 in the Campus Center Auditorium featuring traditional dancing, playing of traditional instruments as well as a fashion show.



$500 Out of Season Carnival/Student Association for the Multicultural Brazilian Alliance-RSO
The annual "Out of Season Carnival" to be held at from 7pm-1am on Saturday, March 31, 2007 in the Campus Center Auditorium will include vocal performances by group members, a demonstration of samba and drumming, and a live band.



$500 UMass Labor Chorus / Everywoman's Center
The UMass Labor Chorus is "the first campus- based, multi-union labor chorus in the United States " comprised of 26 men and women who will hold an open house/performance on December 7 2005, in the Campus Center .



$ 1500 Vinnie Olivieri:Theatrical Sound/Music Composition / Theater Department
Vinnie Olivieri, a professional New York theatrical sound designer and composer, will be a guest artist on two department shows, "GUM," October 27-November 5, 2005, in the Curtain Theatre, and "The House of Desires," December 1-10, 2005, in Rand Theater .



$650 Writers Work / Juniper Initiative
Two fall forums by Tree Swenson, Executive Director- Academy of American Poets and R.M. Berry, Publisher, Fiction Collective Two, to be held at 4 P.M. on October 17 and December 8, 2005 in the Charlie Moran Conference Room, Bartlett Hall. These forums will include a Q and A period as well.



$1500 Multicultural Film Festival:World Cinema Now / Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies
The Annual Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival: World Cinema Now will present the best of new fiction, documentary and experimental filmmaking by international filmmakers, February 8-May 17, 2006 in SOM 137 and Five College Locations.



$550 "True West"/ Theater Department
An undergraduate production in the UMass Theatre Department at 8 P.M., April 5-8, 2006, directed by UMass alum Sheila Siragusa.



$500 4 th Annual Ramadan Celebration / Muslim Student Association/RSO
Students, staff, administration and the community are invited to take part in Iftaar, "the time when one breaks their fast every day" on October 9, 2005 in the Campus Center Auditorium.



$650 Visiting Writers Series: George Saunders / MFA English
A reading by George Saunders to be held at 8 P.M. on Thursday, October 6, 2005, in Memorial Hall. A Q & A session will be held the following morning.



$1500 Ibdaa Dance Troupe / Arab Student Club/RSO
A performance by the Ibdaa Dance Troupe, an internationally acclaimed dancing group from the Palestinian territories, to be held at 7:30 P.M. on October 28, 2005 in Bowker Auditorium.



$600 The Massachusetts Review / Massachusetts Review
The Massachusetts Review is dedicated to cultivating a literary community that directly benefits students at UMass through its publication of poems, stories, essays, literature in translation, and social and historical commentary. 1500 copies of this publication will be distributed, 900 to libraries and institutions (paid subscribers).



$1000 "The Time of Your Life"/ UMass Theater Guild/RSO
Four performances, December 1-3, 2005 in the Student Union Ballroom.



$500 Beyond the Fourth Wall ./ Commonwealth College
An artist residency by award winning performance artist/playwright, Deb Margolin to be held at various times on March 31 and April 1, 2006 in Curtain Theater.



$500 Larry Hunt Mask Workshop / Theater Department
A workshop by internationally recognized mask artist, Larry Hunt to be held at various times January 23-27, 2006 in FAC rooms 203 and 204.



$1000 10 th Annual Comedy Jam / Student Valley Productions/RSO
Comedy Jam brings together college and professional troupes to perform short and long form improvisation, sketch comedy and stand up, 5 -9 P.M. on April 7-8, 2006 in Bartlett 65.



$1000 Jubilat 11 / Jubilat Literary Journal
400 copies of this free publication will be distributed in the Student Center Concourse and in classrooms at the end of January 2006.



$1250 Women Playwrights of Color in the 1920's / Theater Department
Staged readings of plays by women of color in the 1920s, along with guest lectures by Kathy Perkins and Lucy Hurston, February 24-March 4, 2006 in Fine Arts Center room 204.



$500 Solomon's Suite / The Lively Arts
An autobiographical account of "Twelve Years a Slave" written by Solomon Northup, composed, constructed, and arranged into a twelve part suite for the violin, piano, bass, and voice. Renowned jazz violinist John Blake will be featured. May 1, 2006, 7:30 P.M. in Bezanson Recital Hall.



$750 Body Politics 2006:Women of Color and Body Image / Women of Color Leadership Network
A 90 minute performance chronicles of the unique histories of African-American, Latina , Asian, Native American (ALANA) women through first person narratives transformed into dramatic forms. April 1-2, 2006 in Herter 227.



$500 Marked for Life / Art Department
Exhibition of large-scale photographs of women's stretch marks and accompanying audio interviews with the women who carry them at Hampden Gallery April 2-28, 2006. A forum/panel discussion with MARKED FOR LIFE artists, UMass students and women in the photographs will take place on April 4.



$1500 Some Trees in a Forest of Possibility / Juniper Literary Festival
The two day festival includes readings, scholarly addresses, roundtables, Q&A forums, a journal and book fair and a reading by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet John Ashberry. April 28 and April 29, 2006 in Memorial Hall.



$1000 Bover Boys / Theater Department
BOVVER BOYS was the first play by Willy Holtzman, produced in the late '80s. Performance to be held on May 6 & 7, 2006 in the Curtain Theater.



$1000 Wacky Workshop Weekend / Student Valley Productions/RSO
Weekend of improvisational comedy workshops to be held 9am-5pm on April 8 & 9 in the Campus Center .



$1200 Carnival out of Season / SAMBA/RSO
The annual carnival will include Treme Terra drumming and dance troupes on March 3, 2006.



$1500 The Fight Apathy Tour / Black Students Union /RSO
Five artists will present a socially conscious, emotionally charged evening on HIV/AIDS on February 25, 2006 in Bowker Auditorium.



$600 Visiting Writers Series / MFA English
A reading by Eleni Sikelianos as part of the Visiting Writers Series at 8 pm on March 2, 2006 in Memorial Hall.



$700 Jubilat 12 / Jubilat Literary Journal
400 copies of this publication will be distributed free of charge to the UMass undergraduate community from May-September 2006 through the University Writing Program and Campus Center Concourse.



$1500 "Remapping Black Germany " Cultural Program / Black German Studies Project
A Free series of arts events about New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics and Culture to be held at various locations April 19-22, 2006. The artists will also participate in a "Discussion with Black German Artists" on 4/19 in Thatcher Lounge, as well as an artists roundtable on April 22, 2006 in the Isenberg School of Management.



$600 Visiting Writer's Series: William Gass / MFA English
Reading by William Gass, a short story writer, novelist, philosopher and essayist, to be held at 8 PM on April 13, 2006 in Memorial Hall.



$700 Asian Night / Asian American Student Association
The 23rd annual "Asian Night: Celebrating Diversity" will feature keynote speaker actor Parry Shen, and musical artists Natalise and Isshin Taiko on April 8, 2006 in the Fine Arts



$800 The Nexus Magazine / Nexus Magazine
600 copies of this free publication will be distributed to UMass students and the Five College students.



$900 Opera Workshop/An Evening of Opera Scenes / Department of Music and Dance
The concert will consist of a variety of opera scenes that will provide an accessible introduction to opera for students and audience alike by performing duets, trios, and larger ensembles. on Friday, May 5, 2006 in Bezanson Recital Hall at 7:30. 



$600 Holi / Pranava-Hindu Students Council
Holi's festivities will start with a religios service, followed by people smearing colors on each other, and celebrating with traditional Indian dishes and various sweets to celebrate the arrival of the spring harvest. from 12 P.M.-3 P.M. on Saturday, April 15, 2006.



$600 Southwest "Beach Week" 2006 / SouthWest Area Government
Week of May 1-5, 2006 in the Southwest Horseshoe and Pyramids. Featuring a battle of the bands and concert by "Blessid Union of Souls".



$1000 Sound Design for Romeo and Juliet / Theater Department
Sound Designer RT Brown will work with students on execution of sound in performance, and attend post show discussion (4/28) for Romeo and Juliet: April 27-29, and May 4-6 at various times in the Rand Theater .



$800 mOthertongue:multilingual journal of the arts / mOthertongue/RSO
12th annual publication of mOthertongue will be distributed in late April 2006 through the Fall semester. 600 copies of this free publication will be distributed throughout the five college area.



$1000 Cambodian New Year / Cambodian Student Association/RSO
The14th annual Cambodian New Years Celebration to be held in the Student Union Ballroom from 6 P.M.-10 P.M. on April 23, 2006 will include traditional folk and instrumental music by a local Cambodian group.


$800 SASA Night: Ehsaas, Experience the Feeling/ South Asian Student Association/RSO
15th annual SASA Cultural Night consisting of traditional dances such as Bharta Natyam and Kathuk, story telling, the playing of traditional instruments and popular music of the South Asian region on April 21, 2006 in the Campus Center Auditorium.



$700 Black and Gold Scholarship banquet/ The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Kappa Chapter
The banquet is held to honor the women of the community at the Campus Center Auditorium on April 9, 2006 from 6pm- 1 AM.



$750 Body Politics ALANA Health Outreach and Education



$1,000 The Juniper Festival Juniper Literary Festival




$800 mOthertongue Journal mOthertongue/RSO



$300 Writers Work MFA Program for Poets and Writers



$1,200 "The Last Five Years" Theater Department



$400 Visiting Writer Series: Claire Messud MFA English



$1,000 Comedy Jam 2005 Student Valley Productions/RSO



$1,500 The Klezamatics in Concert Office of Jewish Affairs



$400 Brazilian Carnaval SAMBA/RSO



$400 UMassive Homecoming Bonfire Student Homecoming Steering Committee



$1,000 Jubilat Issue #9 Jubilat Literary Journal



$750 Writers Work Juniper Initiative



$1,000 " Big Love " Theater Department



$500 Visiting Writer's Series: Ron Padgett MFA English Program



$1,000 " The Black Kalamazoo " Theater Department



$750 BCP 30 th Anniversary Gala Bilingual Collegiate Program



$1,200 "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas " Music Theatre Guild/RSO



$800 Hieronymus Bosch Project Housing Services



$600 Cape Verdean Cultural Night Cape Verdean Student Alliance/RSO



$1,650 12 th Annual Multi Cultural Film Festival Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies



$1,000 Short Cuts: Short Fiction Journal Short Cuts/RSO




$1,200 Heimo Wallner Visiting Artist Art Department



$2,000 The Neo-Futurists Residency Theater Department



$400 Dual Decades VSA Vietnamese Student Association/RSO



$250 Israeli Dance Student Alliance for Israel/RSO



$500 A Midsummer Night's Dream UMass Theater Guild/RSO


$500 Jubilat Issue #10 Jubilat Literary Journal



$500 Southwest Week 2005 Southwest Area Government



$500 Praise from Two Strings UMass Chinese Christian Fellowship/RSO



$750 10 th Annual Queerfest Pride Alliance/RSO



$300 Visiting Writers Series: August Kleinzahler Reading Juniper Fellows



$500 "Free?" Asian Americans for Political Awareness/RSO



$900 UMass Women in Jazz Festival Department of Music and Dance



$750 William Pope L & The Black Factory Department of English 



$750 Alive with Dance Alive with Dance/RSO 



$500 Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration Student Alliance for Israel/GSO 



$300 Visiting Artist Lecture Series: Renwick/Daniel Graduate Art Student Association/GSO 



$100 The Spirit of the Panther Lives On Center for International Education 



$1,000 Seussical the Musical UMass Theatre Guild/RSO 



$500 Le Cirque Urbain Fashion Show Soul TV/RSO 



$750 Whirling Dervishes Rumi Club/GSO



$450 African Student Association Culture Night "Women of Africa"



$1200 Alive with Dance Alive With Dance performance



$900 Art Department Peter Callas Workshop



$800 Boricuas Unidos Puerto Rican Cultural Night



$1000 Cape Verdean Student Alliance Cape Verdean Awareness Week



$120 Communications Department My Dog, The Meat Eater



$750 Department of English Writers Work



$1800 Department of Music and Dance Beloved Opera Ensembles



$1400 Design Student Group New Modeling: A Lecture, Workshop and Exhibition



$1200 Distinguished Visitors Program Margaret Cho Comes to UMass



$400 Graduate Art Student Assoc. (GASA) Transparent Relic



$2000 Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies 11th Annual Multicultural 

Film Festival: The Global Lens



$950 Jubilat Literary Journal Jubilat Literary Journal: Issue 8



$450 Juniper Initiative Writers Work



$350 Juniper Initiative Visiting Writers Series: David Shapiro



$1025 Juniper Initiative Visiting Writers Series: Fanny Howe



$1550 Juniper Literary Festival The Juniper Festival



$1700 Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Centennial Exhibition Team The Intimate Expanse



$350 MFA in English Visiting Writers Series: David Shapiro


$640 MFA in English Visiting Writers Series: Arthur Vogelsang



$850 mOthertongue mOthertongue journal



$850 Muslim Students' Assoc./GSO Islam in China & the Art of Arabic/Chinese calligraphy



$1000 Muslim Students' Assoc./RSO Arab American Muslim Culture



$1205 Native American Student Association NASA Native Social Takeover 2004



$256 Orchard Hill Area Government Bowl Weekend



$400 SAMBA Carnaval Out of Season



$900 Short Cuts Short Cuts Journal



$500 South Asian Student Association Sasa Dhamaka '03



$514 South Asian Student Association Sasa Nite 2004 SARGAM



$350 Southwest Area Government Battle of the Bands



$500 Students for a Free Tibet Tibetan New Year LOSAR



$1475 Student Valley Productions New England College Comedy Jam



$500 Theater Department James Hart Mask Workshop



$1400 Theater Department Graduate Student Theater Project



$1450 Theater Department Shakespeare Festival 2004



$2000 UMass Pride Alliance Queerfest



$2000 UMass Theatre Guild Spring Musical



$1000 Women's Studies Department A Revolutionary Convening: The Vision of June Jordan



$1,200.00 ALANA Affairs Refugees of a Wold on Fire. . .



$1,200.00 Alive with Dance Alive with Dance Student Dance Concert



$800.00 Asian American Stud. Assoc. Asian Night: "Breaking Free"



$700.00 Boricuas Unidos 9th Annual Puerto Rican Cultural Night



$500.00 Casa Dominicana Dominican Independence: The Essence of the Dominican Woman



$850.00 Comic Art Society Comic Art Society: Penny Dreadful



$1,000.00 DEFA Film Library "Shadows and Sojourners" Photo Exhibit



$600.00 Department of Music and Dance Haydn/Piazzola Concert



$800.00 Durfee Conservatory Art in the Gardens: Multimedia Performance at Durfee



$900.00 GLBT Graduate Student Organization The Kinsey Sicks



$550.00 Graduate Art Student Association (GASA) got gas? Graduate Art Students present



$1,500.00 Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies 10th Multicultural Film Festival



$900.00 Jubilat Literary Journal Jubilat: Issue #6



$800.00 Juniper Initiative Visiting Writers Series: Eileen Myles Reading



$600.00 Juniper Initiative John Yau Reading, Visiting Writers Series



$1,500.00 Juniper Literary Festival 3rd Annual Juniper Literary Festival



$1,000.00 MFA Program for Poets and Writers Writers Work



$875.00 mOthertongue mOthertongue



$1,000.00 Native Amercian Stud. Assoc. The Annual Native Pride Social



$300.00 Orchard Hill Area Government Bowl Weekend



$400.00 Radical Student Union Not That Rap



$800.00 Residential Arts Program Brazz!



$1,000.00 Residential Arts Program Solos &Duos Series



$800.00 Short Cuts Short Cuts Short Story Journal



$400.00 South Asian Student Association SASA Night '03: The Fusion 



$600.00 South Asian Student Association SASA Dhamaka: a night of Cultural dance and Enrichment



$400.00 Southwest Area Government Outdoor Concert: Naughty by Nature



$1,200.00 Student Valley Productions New England College Comedy Jam



$600.00 Theater Department The Mineola Twins



$2,000.00 Theater Department Shakespeare Festival



$1,000.00 Theater Department Alice Tuan Residency



$600.00 UMass Dance Team UMass Dance Team Pep Rally &Nationals



$700.00 UMass Pride Alliance Queerfest 



$600.00 UMass Srutilaya Harmony - An Evening of Indian Classical Music



$800.00 UMass T'ai Chi Club Soft Movement Vital Word



$1,000.00 UMass Theatre Guild Arcadia



$1,000.00 UMass Theatre Guild Pippin



$500.00 Vietnamese Students Association A Walk Through the Past



$1,350 Primus/Zollar in Concert Creation, teaching and performance of a work by choreographer Jawole Jo Zollar.



$500 The Painter's Edge: 4 Visions/Graduate Arts Student Association Series of lectures and studio visits by four visual artists.



$1,100 Diary of a Madman/Theater Department This co-production with The Cold War Theatre Project is a bilingual adaptation fostering collaboration with professional and international theater artists.



$1,000 Picasso at the Lapin Agile/UMass Theatre Guild/RSO The play, written by Steve Martin, centers on a fictional meeting between Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso at the Lapin Agile in Paris, France in 1904, and their subsequent discussion about the impact they have made on the 20th century.



$1,000 Into the Woods/UMass Theatre Guild/RSO The musical, by Steven Sondheim and James Lapine, imports characters from classic fairy tales, such as Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk and takes them on a journey of growth and self-discovery.



$800 Wrench/Music Department The musical "captures the experience of what goes on behind the scenes of an average performance, by exploring the lives of those actors and stagehands that bring the magic of theater to public view."



$200 Lecture by James Dustin/Art Department Dustin will lectures about hsi process where he creates 3-dimensional architectural models which he then photographs and uses as inspiration for his paintings.



$800 Raga & Sahitya/UMass Srutilaya/RSO The evening will start with a lecture-demonstration session with the audience members in order to help them understand the basics of Carnatic music. Following the demonstration the evening will feature the South Indian classical vocal concert, Raga & Sahitya.



$800 Adriene Kennedy: A Celebration/Theater Department Lecture and readings from playwright Adrienne Kennedy's works.



$500 ALANA Jazz Concert/ALANA Affairs Latin Jazz Concert by Roy Brown and Jose Gonzalez.



$400 New York Kings of Comedy/Black Student Union/RSO Night of comedy



$650 Short Cuts Jounral/Short Cuts This journal is dedicated to the publication of student-written short fiction.



$500 Writing From the Belly/Women of Color Leadership Network Through the use of theater, voice, music and movement, the students will put into words their thoughts, fears and emotions. This results in a published narrative and serves as the foundation for a performace piece which the students will develop and perform at the WOCLN April Leadership Training graduation.



$1,000 Alive With Dance/Alive With Dance/RSO Senior dance majors choreograph pieces in jazz, modern, and ballet as their final work here at UMass



$600 A Thirty-Two Classic/Theater Department The script was written by UMass undergraduate Dave Splinter and explores race relations race relations and the generation gap in contemporary America.



$800 Theater Workshop/Black Student Union/RSO To support a weeklong workshop by the theatre arts group director of the Oversoul Theater Collective, Morgan Peters.



$750 El Calenton/Concepto Latino



$500 Dominican Independence '02/Casa Dominicana Evening including folkloric dance demonstrations and traditional music.



$500 VSA Cultural Event/Vietnamese Student Association/RSO To support "Tet," its annual New Year's celebration event includes traditional dances, songs, music and costumes.



$1,000 Visitng Writer's Series: B. Hannah/MFA Program for Poets and Writers Reading by novelist Barry Hannah.



$1,250 Multicultural Film Festival/Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies "Cinema Citizenship" examines the ideas of citizenship, homeland, and national belonging. As is customary with this series, each film will be introduced by a scholar or filmmaker, who will place the film in its artistic and cultural context.



$1,000 Crossing John at the Crossroads/Theater Department The play is a melding of forms rather than a narrative, with elements of song and dance that explores African American identity and history and explores healing through ritual. The play incorporates a variety of art forms, including prerecorded video, music and dance to tell the story in a collage effect. 



$1,000 Fool's Rust/Active Ingredients/RSO This original musical was written by a UMass student and presents the story of two orphaned brothers at the turn of the century in working class Boston. The play chronicles their lives as they explore love and grapple with gang violence.



$800 mOthertongue Journal/mOthertongue mOthertongue is a multilingual periodical of poetry, prose, lyrics, one-acts, and artwork designed to provide multilingual students from the Five Colleges to express themselves in languages other than English.



$700 UMass Ballroom Dance Competition/UMass Ballroom Dance Team This collegiate ballroom dance competition is the first to be hosted by UMass allowing dancers from various schools to showcase their skills, while exposing audience members to the art of ballroom dance.



$800 Transformations: A Multimedia Production/Department of Music and Dance This collaboration between the Departments of Music & Dance, English, Education and Computer Science incorporates dance, computer generated visuals and video, lighting and spatially separated live and electronic music exploring the artistic possibilities in these various mediums and shed light on the psychoanalytical meanings within Sexton's poems.



$750 UMass Dance Team Pep Rally for Nationals/UMass Dance Team This pep rally allows the group to perform a trial run of their routine in front of a large audience as well as an opportunity for UMass students to see the Dance team perform.



$600 Mendhi Night/South Asian Student Association/RSO The evening is thematically centered around the symbolic application of Mendhi (or henna) tatoos on the body, and the significant events that surround this ritual in Southeast Asia. Mendhi artists will be on hand to apply the tatoos, which will be complemented by live music (Dhol, Tabla and Harmonium players) and traiditional dances (Dandia, Rass and Bhangra).



$1,000 UMass Visiting Writers Series/MFA Program for Poets and Writers The diverse group of writers invited to speak are nationally and internationally known and offer a wonderful opportunity for student to learn more about the craft of writing.



$700 Cape Verdean Cultural Week/Cape Verdean Student Alliance/RSO Evening will include Belinda Ferreira singing morna and coladera dance music, and a DJ dance party of classical and contemporary Cape Verdean music.



$750 Penny Dreadful, Anthology of Comics/Comic Art Society/RSO This anthology of comic book art will feature comics written by UMass students and occasionally by other 5-college students.



$500 Cambodian New Year/Cambodian Student Association/RSO



$700 Jubilat Issue #5/Jubilat Literary Journal To support the publication of their unique poetry journal.



$1,300 Visit by Egyptian Theater Artist Nora Amin/Theater Dept. Funding provided for artist fees



$1,250 Native American Social/Native American Student Assoc. This event included performances by the Native American Indian drumming groups Mystic River (a local group) and Iron River; a performance by the Mashpee Wampanoag Singers and Dancers and an unspecified storyteller.



$1,000 Queerfest/UMass Pride Alliance Including performances by several (mostly folk) musicians whose music explores issues related to the gay/bisexual lifestyle.



$1,500 NE College Comedy Jam VI/Student Valley Productions Featuring Student Valley Productions' Mission Improvable and Toast! Groups as well as other student improvisational troupes from across the country. The culminating event will be a performance by Mission Chicago.



$300 Orchard Hill Bowl Weekend/Fill the Hill/OHAG Weekend including an open stage where students can perform, a T-shirt design contest and a concert by local musicians.



$1,000 2nd Annual Juniper Literary Festival/MFA Program for Poets & Writers The Literary Festival will include readings by four fiction writers (who are alumni of the University) and other various literary events.



$1,200 Bill Shannon, "CrutchMaster"/Residential Arts Program Bill Shannon's dance performances have their primary roots in the experience of the artist as a disabled person. Derived from early childhood experiments with motion on crutches, the movement has been sharpened by a matured sense of timing, space and body awareness.



$400 7th Annual Haitian-Dominican Cultural Night/Haitian Dominican Students Association and Casa Dominicana/RSO's A multidisciplinary event which offers two student-run dance groups, Cayena and Neg et Negresse Kreyol and a poetry reading.



$500 Invierno Encendido/Concepto Latino/RSO Concert by Merengue artists Frankie Negron and Tono Rosario.



$500 Electronic Visions: Lectures in Art and Technology/Dept. of Art Two Boston-based visiting artists, Dana Moser and Jen Hall, will be invited to address UMass students about their unique integration of the arts and technology.



$750 Alive with Dance Student Dance Concert/Alive with Dance/RSO Concert featuring works by 13 student choreographers, drawing from diverse dance forms, including jazz, modern, contemporary ballet and lyrical.



$345 Vietnam X/Theater Dept. (Falling Rock Productions Company) Vietnam X will focus on the effects of the Vietnam War on the second generation, which will be culled from original research garnered through surveys and interviews.



$800 Fool for Love/Theater Dept. (Pegasus Productions) Production of the Sam Shepard play, Fool for Love, which explores the issues of relationships and freedom.



$300 Around the Greewood Tree/Performing Arts Division A production that "confronts issues of racism and ethnicity in an intelligent and heart-felt artistic dialogue."



$350 The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)/Active Ingredients/RSO This production written by "The Reduced Shakespeare Company" is an hour and a half of "spontaneous comedy combining aspects from all Shakespeare's plays."



$1,000 Sweet Charity/Theater Guild/RSO A musical written by Neil Simon and originally directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse.



$900 Much Ado About Nothing/Theater Guild/RSO A Shakespearean comedy which explores the complex relationship between men and women.



$600 L'Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi/UMass Opera Workshop Performance of L'Orfeo, first fully-staged opera production presesented by UMass students, is enhanced by roundtable discussions held shortly before the performances.



$650 House of Wives Program Series/Theater Dept. Play and programming to promote a more informed understanding of Arab culture and "the complexities of the issues eith which women in these societies must deal."



$300 Women of Color Leadership Network's Leadership Training/Everywomen's Center The program features theater presentations, a writing workshop and a mask-making workshop led by various artists.



$1200 Magic Triangle Jazz Series/WMUA-FM To support the performance of Yusef Lateef during the Jazz Series.



$500 Short Story Journal/Short Cuts Short Story Journal To support production of a short story journal.



$600 Cape Verdean Cultural Night/Cape Verdean Student Alliance The event includes performances by Cape Verdean musician Mark Gonsalves, a dance performace by CVSA dancers, remarks by the musicians the Mendes Brothers, an exhibit by painter Bela Duarte, and a performace by Timmy, a Cape Verdean musician.



$400 7th Annual Haitian-Dominican Cultural Night/Haitian Dominican Students Association and Casa Dominicana/RSO's A multidisciplinary event which offers two student-run dance groups, Cayena and Neg et Negresse Kreyol and a poetry reading.



$500 Invierno Encendido/Concepto Latino/RSO Concert by Merengue artists Frankie Negron and Tono Rosario.



$500 Electronic Visions: Lectures in Art and Technology/Dept. of Art Two Boston-based visiting artists, Dana Moser and Jen Hall, will be invited to address UMass students about their unique integration of the arts and technology.



$750 Alive with Dance Student Dance Concert/Alive with Dance/RSO Concert featuring works by 13 student choreographers, drawing from diverse dance forms, including jazz, modern, contemporary ballet and lyrical.



$345 Vietnam X/Theater Dept. (Falling Rock Productions Company) Vietnam X will focus on the effects of the Vietnam War on the second generation, which will be culled from original research garnered through surveys and interviews.



$800 Fool for Love/Theater Dept. (Pegasus Productions) Production of the Sam Shepard play, Fool for Love, which explores the issues of relationships and freedom.



$300 Around the Greewood Tree/Performing Arts Division A production that "confronts issues of racism and ethnicity in an intelligent and heart-felt artistic dialogue."



$350 The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)/Active Ingredients/RSO This production written by "The Reduced Shakespeare Company" is an hour and a half of "spontaneous comedy combining aspects from all Shakespeare's plays."



$1,000 Sweet Charity/Theater Guild/RSO A musical written by Neil Simon and originally directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse.



$900 Much Ado About Nothing/Theater Guild/RSO A Shakespearean comedy which explores the complex relationship between men and women.



$600 L'Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi/UMass Opera Workshop Performance of L'Orfeo, first fully-staged opera production presesented by UMass students, is enhanced by roundtable discussions held shortly before the performances.



$650 House of Wives Program Series/Theater Dept. Play and programming to promote a more informed understanding of Arab culture and "the complexities of the issues eith which women in these societies must deal."



$300 Women of Color Leadership Network's Leadership Training/Everywomen's Center The program features theater presentations, a writing workshop and a mask-making workshop led by various artists.



$1200 Magic Triangle Jazz Series/WMUA-FM To support the performance of Yusef Lateef during the Jazz Series.



$500 Short Story Journal/Short Cuts Short Story Journal To support production of a short story journal.



$600 Cape Verdean Cultural Night/Cape Verdean Student Alliance The event includes performances by Cape Verdean musician Mark Gonsalves, a dance performace by CVSA dancers, remarks by the musicians the Mendes Brothers, an exhibit by painter Bela Duarte, and a performace by Timmy, a Cape Verdean musician.



$2,000 Thompson Hall Mural/Political Science Dept. "Social Science at Play" by local artist Lynn Peterfreund (with student involvement) will be located in the Thompson Hall lobby for the thousands of students who visit Thomspon regularly to enjoy.



$1,800 UMass Ballroom Dance/UMass Ballroom Dance Club/RSO To support a coach for the club. This coach will not only aid the club but also the hundreds of people who attend the student run classes and dances which occur throughout the year.



$2,000 The Bacchea/Theater Dept. The Bacchea, a Greek tragedy that includes a large chorus of women who must move, chant and sing the text, is a musical which is being produced with the aid of award winning choreographer Marlies Yearby.



$1,000 Fred Clayton/CC/SU Arts Committee/RSO Fred Clayton and the International Rhythm Connexion blues concert is part of a series of events which feature American artists who reside in Europe. The concert also had a "Meet the Artist" component open to all UMass community and a discussion in Afro-American studies 155/156.



$1,000 Toby Kasavan, Mark Hennen, Daniel Carter Trio/CC/SU Arts Committee/RSO This Avant Garde music by Toby Kasavan, Mark Hennen, Daniel Carter Trio is part of a series of events which feature American artists who reside in Europe. The concert also had a "Meet the Artist" component open to all UMass community and a discussion in Afro-American studies 155/156.



$1,500 Company/Theater Guild/RSO A play porteying the life of a 35 year old bachelor who lives in New York City, who is feeling pressured by his friends and family to get married.



$1,000 Equus/A Casa Actors' Theater/Theater Guild Peter Shaffer's Equus is a play about the nature of the therapeutic relationship-what is gained, what is lost nad ultimately, the nature of "sanity"itself.



$1,000 Short Story Journal/OHAG "Short Cuts" short story journal to be published in spring of 2000.



$200 In Memory of Brandon/Pride Alliance/RSO Two speakers, a showing of the documentary The Brandon Teena Story and the acoustic guitar duo "Late Bloomers."



$1,000 Visiting Writer's Series/MFA Juniper Fellows Reading by Rick Moody which is part of the Visiting Writers Series.


$500 "Tet": New Year's Celebration/Vietnamese Student Association/RSO The festivity, which will be a time for Vietnamese and Vietnamese American students to reaffirm their culture as well as reach out to the surrounding community, includes events as dance, music and food.


$750 An Evening on the Nile/Alpha Phi Alpha Fraterinty/RSO The event includes several different musical performances all geared to educate and enhance the awareness of prodominately Black Greek Letter Intercollegiate Organizations in Massachussetts.



$150 Poem as Painting/GASA/GSO Dr. Carl Sesar will give a slide show presentation showing the translations from the Tang Dynasty poet-painter Wang Wei.



$700 Ben Sommer Music/Dept. of Music & Dance Concert consisting of original works by UMass Graduate student, Ben Sommer.



$500 NCA National Collegiate Cheer & Dance Competition/UMass Dance Team/RSO Choreographer Don Collins from the University of North Carloina will give aid to the dance team for their competition and pep rally.



$1,000 Puerto Rican Heritage Week/Boricuas Unidos/RSO Week long event to include arts and crafts demonstrations, a documentary video, a movie and other events geared to educate and enhance the awareness of the Puerto Rican culture.



$2,000 Permanent Photo Set Up/Graduate Art Students Association/GSO Equipment for a permanent photography set up in Marshall Annex which allows students to take slides of their 2-D and 3-D artwork for portfolio purposes.



$1,250 Indonesian Dance Workshop/Alive With Dance/RSO A two-day residency with I Nhurah Supartha, an internationally known Indonesian choreographer, composer and performing artist, who taught four free workshops on Balinese dance to the campus community.



$2,000 Assassins/Department of Theater, Music and Dance Eight performances of the contemporary musical theater piece, Assassins, by Stephen Sondheim and John Wiedman which explores the meaning of the "American Dream" from the perspective of Presidential assassins.



$1,520 The Passion of Dracula/UMass Theater Guild/RSO A retelling of the classical fable of Dracula, which made use of extensive special effects and elaborate sets. The Passion of Dracula was an entirely student-run production.



$600 Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition/Sino-American Group of Amherst/GSO A six-week exhibition of Chinese calligraphy which featured both historical and contemporary pieces. The exhibit was augmented by a lecture by Prof. Eugene Wang of Harvard University and a calligraphy demonstration by UMass Prof. Zhongwei Shen in an effort to educate the campus community about this significant art form.



$2,000 5th Annual Multicultural Film Festival/Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies The 14 films in this year's festival explored "migration, cultural displacement and the role of cinema as both a document of cross-cultural encounter and medium of social change." Directors were present at four of the screenings to discuss their work, and other films were introduced by area scholars.



$2,000 Quinceañera: A Collaborative Workshop Production/Theater Department This collaborative, original work-in-progress theater piece integrates dance, music and visual art to honor gay Latinos who have died of AIDS. Professional artists were invited to work with UMass students over a two-week period to produce the piece.



$800 Vietnamese Tet Celebration/Vietnamese Students Association/RSO A celebration of Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, featuring a traditional dragon dance and cultural dances which are performed to regional music of Vietnam.



$800 4th Annual Haitian Dominican Cultural Gala/Haitian American Students Assoc. and Casa Dominicana/RSO An annual event which celebrates the culture and traditions of the Haitian and Dominican people through poetry, dance and music from both countries.



$1,050 Coyote Gets Sober/Josephine White Eagle Cultural Center and New World Theater A workshop production of a play by UMass student Alex Sherker that "confronts loss of identity, community and spiritual alienation facing young Indians living in reservation USA." The play was produced, performed and directed by students in the Five Colleges.



$500 UMass Outing Club Concert/Outing Club/RSO This live concert featured the band, Entrain, which draws from a variety of musical influences, including funk, reggae, Cajun, African poly-rhythms and percussion to develop its unique sound.



$500 Kwanzaa Celebration 1997/Malcolm X Cultural Center/RSO A celebration of Kwanzaa, the cultural festival founded in 1966 to honor and reflect upon the rich heritage of African Americans. This year's event featured a number of student performance groups, including: the Boundaries Gospel choir, NYC+1, Cape Verdean Dance Group and the West African Dancers, as well as New York-based African Folkloric dance group called Cinque.



$500 Perry Alley Theater/Theater Department A free workshop/performance by the professional puppetry group, Perry Alley Theater. The program began with a demonstration of how to manipulate various puppets led by Perry Alley Theater founders, Andrew and Bonnie Periale, and concluded with an evening performance of The Key and Snow White, which showcased different styles of puppetry.



$400 End of Semester Bash/AHORA/RSO Sponsored by AHORA, the Latin American student organization at UMass, this event featured a live performance by the Dominican musical group Henry Jimeniz y Los Homeboys, as well as a Boston-based Folkloric dance group which specializes in merenque, salsa, cumbia and plena dance styles. Event cancelled.



$825 Conversations with the Playwright/Theater Department In conjunction with performances of his play, Marisol, José Rivera gave talk back sessions about his works which portray "a Puerto Rican sensibility and identity to audiences." He spoke to a Theater 130 class and held a talk back session after a performance of his play.



$450 Midnight Blues/ALANA Graduate Student Network The group Montenia presented a combination of original compositions that represent a healthy mix of jazz and rhythm and blues. Neon artwork by Pacifico Palumbo was also installed for the event.



$1,250 Spirit of Place/Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Department (LARP) A lecture/video series held in conjunction with an exhibition by LARP graduate student Hongbing Tang, which featured 50 original photographs, drawings and paintings which depict traditional streets, architecture and sketches of life in China. The event included two Chinese videos which underscore relevant themes in the exhibition as well as lectures from Harvard Professor Dr. Yu Feng and award-winning photographer, Yves Lieon.



$1,750 The Visiting Writers Series/MFA in English Program Four acclaimed poets and fiction authors held readings in the evening, followed by workshops for students the next day, to answer questions about the life, art, and business of fiction writing.



$1,000 Dominican Celebration/Casa Dominicana/RSO The event consisted of a series of programs and activities designed to educate the UMass community about the Dominican Republic. Dominican folklore dance lessons and performance by Cayena were given as well as a concert of Dominican music by Oro Solido, a merenque band.


$300 Empowerment for Women in the Arts: A Support Group/Everywomen's Center This five day workshop encouraged participants to examine issues that prevent artists from achieving their artistic goals and encouraged women to "pursue their greatest creative visions" through empowerment and support networks.



$600 Graduate Forum/Graduate Art Students Association/GSO The Graduate Forum consisted of a group of guest lectures by distinguished artists, designers, poets, and computer technologists. The presentations showcased each individual's work and included a discussion regarding the links between traditional art mediums and the use of digital technology.


$2,000 Jesus Christ Superstar/UMass Theater Guild/RSO The classic Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera was set in a modern day casino, allowing the students to view the performance in a time period they could easily relate to. The singing and dancing cast was accompanied by live music and a very creative set with beautiful costumes.


$900 15th Annual Asian Night/Asian American Students Association/RSO Asian Night was conceived as a way to celebrate the many diverse cultures of Asia. The evening will include two arts-related events: a Chinese Lion Dance and a concert by A Grain of Sand.


$1,450 The New England College Improv Jam/Student Valley Productions/RSO The event is designed to bring together Improv groups from a variety of colleges in the region, who performed in one of 14 different performance slots.


$1,000 Sankofa: The Urban Arts Project/Black Student Union/RSO The day long event included workshops on vocal expression, including poetry, singing and emceeing, a workshop on visual expression, demonstrating how to design and paint murals, and a break dancing demonstration.


$900 Designers Lecture Series Interior Design/Architectural Studies Area of the Dept. of Fine Arts Part of an ongoing lecture series, the department invited renowned furniture designer and artist Douglas Fitch to speak at the program. The lecture was offered in conjunction with the Annual Design Student Show at Herter, where Fitch will exhibit his work
alongside those by the students, and give a two-day workshop.


$800 The 2nd Annual Women of Color Institute/Everywomen's Center This three day event was designed to highlight the artistic and creative abilities of women of color at UMass. The event included an on-going, live exhibit, which featured photographs, poems, and tributes, workshops and a closing ceremony including dancing, singing, and drumming by UMass students and local and nationally-known performers. Event cancelled.


$1,100 The Journal of SAGA Review/Sino-American Group of Amherst/GSO The Sino American Group of Amherst published their new journal, SAGA Review, which was distributed in April/May, 1998. The publication focused on art and cultural issues, especially issues between Western and Asian cultures.


$1,000 mOthertongue/Department of Comparative Literature This multilingual periodical including poetry, prose, lyrics, one-acts and artwork submitted by bi-lingual students was distributed to UMass and the Five College area in mid-April 1998.

$750 Cambodian Cultural Night/Cambodian Students Association/RSO A cultural event to coincide with the Cambodian New Year. Performances by the Cambodian band Apsara, Khmer Folk Dancing, a folk music band, traditional costume show, video festival and "arts" exhibition .


$440 The Tribe/Student Production Group/UWW This is a digital video which is approximately 30 minutes of a romantic comedy which satirizes the University and 5-Colleges.


$1,300 MLK Awards Program/ALANA Honor Society/RSO Six gospel choirs performed at the Martin Luther King Gospel Extravaganza, which was followed by the ALANA Honor Society Awards Banquet .


$600 Cape Verdean Awareness Week/Cape Verdean Students Alliance/RSO The event featured a Kohla Band unique to the Cape Verdean culture. The Cape Verdean Dancers also performed that evening.


$650 Arts Forum/Theater Department A panel presentation on leadership and the arts opened the event, followed by break out sessions by the departments of fine arts, theater and dance, where mini-workshops were given to establish ways these departments can share resources and collaborate in the future.


$500 Japan Week/Japan America Club/RSO The artistic components of Japan Week included an animated film festival, a demonstration of Japanese flute, a reading of traditional Japanese poems and origami demonstrations during intermission at a Japanese speech contest.


$500 Edward James Olmos/Office of ALANA Affairs This event featured a lecture by the noted actor and activist Edward James Olmos, who has performed in movies and on stage, and has been the recipient of numerous awards throughout his acting career He has also been active with the Rockefeller Foundation for the advancement of the arts and humanities and multiple group and organization boards.


$500 UMass International Fair 1998/International Programs The event includes displays by international students which illustrate their countries in artwork, pictures or film as well as a "cultural show" where folk dances, poetry and song will be performed all day, followed by a jazz performance in the evening.


$200 Holi/UMass Student's Hindu Association/RSO The event featured traditional Indian dances performed by students, a skit which explains what the festival Holi is about, a Puja and a Bhangra/Garba dance.


$1,000 Native American Intertribal Social/Native American Students Association/RSO This cultural event included Intertribal drumming and dancing, as well as Native American storytelling.


$1,200 Haitian Cultural Night/Haitian American Students Association/RSO This cultural event featured a performance of traditional Haitian dance, a poetry reading, and Haitian drumming music. The evening also included a performance by the Haitian band, Metro Sonic.
Congratulations also to those who received awards in our first FY99 grant cycle!


$1,200 FTM by David Harrison/ The Pride Alliance/RSO The performance takes an intimate look at one person's transsexual journey from female-to-male, and is juxtaposed against the experience of his mother's own struggle with breast cancer (in another time period) and the resulting changes in her own body.


$1,000 "Bendre Namana, a Tribute to Bendre"/ The Forum of Progressive Artists/a GSO The performance will pay tribute to the poet Dr. Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre, by placing his writing in a performance context. Both performers are accomplished dancers, choreographers and poets, who have distinguished themselves in Bharatanatyam dance, a dance form which originated in India.


$1,500 Unidos en Harmonia Concepto Latino and Beta Kappa Psi Fraternity, Inc./both RSO's Two band concert featuring: Oro Solido and Dark Latin Groove, both of whom are distinguished merengue and salsa bands.


$770 "Four Pittsburg Sculptors"/The Graduate Art Students Association and the Design Alliance/both GSO's The lecture series included a lecture/slide presentation by James Nestor entitled, "Teaching, Professional /Professional, Teaching", followed by a panel discussion entitled, "Cutting Edge in Your Back Yard" by all four contemporary artists James Nestor, Norman Ed, Andrea Mauery and Craig Barron-all of whom are featured in the exhibition and agreed to engage in studio critiques while on campus.


$250.50 The First Annual Film/Video/Animation Festival/UMass Film Society/ RSO The Festival showcased the films, videos and animated works of UMass students, who often do not have a chance to screen their work in the Five College Film Festival. Students organized as well as participated in the event.


$800 Sculptural Installation at Durfee Gardens/Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Department Installation of eight carved wooden forms which are reminiscent of people, mountains or rocks, ranging from three to seven feet high, and made to compliment its surroundings at the present Durfee Garden site. They were designed and executed by MFA student Thomas Matsuda, with the assistance of undergraduate sculpture students.