A Change Is Gonna Come

Opening Reception October 15, 5-7PM

A Change Is Gonna Come is a unique exhibition that takes a turn from the gallery’s usual focus on visual art.  Instead, featuring the power of provocative words that call for change, this show also celebrates the written mark on the page.  In a time when public and private correspondence is almost exclusively typed, we honor the timeless beauty of handwriting, whether script or block print. 

For this show, the gallery hosted a Call for Submissions to the general public inviting thoughts about the subject of change.  Borrowing from iconic singer/songwriter Sam Cooke’s 1965 hit by the same title, we have encouraged all submissions to draw inspiration from the song’s refrain:

It's been a long long time coming, but I know
A change is gonna come, oh yes it will!

The exhibit features writing of all genres….. poems, letters, stories, essays, fiction, science fiction, memoir, monologues, dialogues, or other forms exploring the need for social change, which may be considered from any vantage point: local, global, social, political, economic, spiritual or other….
An unusual project, we hope our community will be surprised, uplifted, but most of all….changed!

Participating Artists:
Nika Akin
Janet Aalfs
Judyie Al-Bilali
Shahid Al-Bilali
Liisa Ahlfors
Kimberly Canon
Thomas C. Chung
Ilani D’Alfonso
Julie Dawn Dennis
Daniel Djamo
Emily Everett
Van G. Garrett
Deborah Habib
Levi Habib-Baruc
Erin Hazlett
Lorna Kepes
Mara Lefebvre
Vanessa Lynch
Aquila Ayana McCants
Laura Moody
Sonia Nieto
Priscilla Page
Jodi Patterson
Richard Pettifer
Joseph Reyes
Arthurine Rice
George Rivera
A. Salamone
Blanca Salinas
Jane Schneeloch
Anna Smetanenko
Kate Soules
Tereza Swanda
Bob Weiner
Shirley Whitaker
Leisel Whitlock
Barbara Wright
members of First Generation (The Performance Project)
and others

Click here for the online catalogue.