Alison Aune

Faces of Earth

Alison Aune

Sunday, November 16 - Sunday, December 7, 2003

Central Gallery, Central Residential Area   

A native of Amherst, MA, Aune moved to Duluth in 1991 when she joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Her work is represented in the collections of the Museum of American Art, the Walker Art Center and the Tweed Museum of Art.

Aune's paintings reference her Norwegian-American identity. Her paintings feature a central image with patterned borders which are responses to traditional designs. These borders reference Nordic-Celtic patterning which links her to her ancestral roots. In this way, Aune expands and builds upon, historic and domestic art.

Alison Aune spent a year in Trondheim on an American Scandinavian Foundation fellowship doing research on writer/artist Cora Sandell. Artists such as Gustav Vigeland, Harret Backer and Gerhard Munthe have had an important influence on her work


Associated Events

Gallery Talk

Alison Aune
Tuesday, November 25, 2003 Central Galllery, Wheeler House on Infirmary Way, 4PM
Alison Aune will engage in a gallery talk focusing on her current exhibition, Faces of Earth.
Free and Open to the Public,