American String Quartet
Thursday, February 27, 2003
Bowker Auditorium at 7:30pm$25, $15; 17 and under $10
Five College Students $10, $7
- Peter Winograd violin
- Laurie Carney violin
- Daniel Avshalomov viola
- David Geber cello
Opening performance in the Beethoven Quartet Cycle.
The American String Quartet has achieved a position of rare esteem in the world of chamber music. Resident Quartet at the Aspen Music Festival since 1974, the American also has ongoing series at Princeton University and the Orange County Performing Arts Center in California. The Quartet is credited with broadening public awareness and enjoyment of chamber music across North America through educational programs, seminars, broadcast performances, and published articles. This esteemed chamber music ensemble begins a three year, six performance cycle of the sixteen Beethoven Quartets. Please join us for a free pre-concert talk. Viennese coffee and desserts will be available for purchase.
Sponsored by WFCR 88.5 FM.
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