Bowker Auditorium Carpentry


GPS Address:

Randolph W. Bromery Center for the Performing Arts
University of Massachusetts 
151 Presidents Drive
Amherst, MA 01003-9336

Bowker Auditorioum/ Loading Dock
131 Holdworth Way
Amherst, MA 01003-9336

Stage Dimensions

width 31' 5"
height 20' 0"
depth 33' 9"
depth 6' 6" at side; 8' 3" at center line
Wing Space
S. R. 12'0" x 32'6" approx.
S. L. 7'11" x 32'6" approx.
note: S. R. and S. L. have obstructions which include a spiral staircase, and exit stairways.

Hall Seating Capacity

500 Orchestra (includes 4 wheelchair)
204 Balcony
704 Total

Stage Floor

Masonite over wood

House Drapery

House Curtain - red velour (Guillotine)
House Teaser - red velour
Legs - 6 pair - black syn. velour IFR flat - all 8' x 22'
Borders - 6 - black syn. velour IFR flat - 3 @ 8' x 36'- 3 @ 1"x 36'
Full Black -black syn. velour IFR flat - 2 panels - 20' wide x 22' high each
Scrim - black sharkstooth - 36' x 22'
Cyclorama - filled white scrim- 36' x 22'

Line Set Data

Grid height - 43' 6"
Working height of pipes - single purchase from 3'9 " to 30'6"- double purchase from 3' 0" to 42'0"
Total line sets - 15 single purchase- 16 double purchase
Pipe capacity - 500 lbs. single purchase, 300 lbs. double purchase
Length of pipes - 1 1/2" x 36' 6"
Fly rail is located S. R. 10' above the deck

Load in Data

Loading dock is located S. L. at stage level and is 3'10" above the street.
Door size is 5' 6" x 10' 0".
Semi/ truck access is limited and parking is 1/2 mile away. 

Dressing Rooms

2 chorus type with toilets, mirrors, and closet poles - capacity 12 each 

Wardrobe Area

None: only have dressing room space 
Washer-1, dryer- 1


Piano - Model D Steinway 9' - tuned to A440
Music stands and chairs can be made available 


3 Angle top rolling shell
2 Straight top rolling shell


The theater can provide little or nothing in the way of scenery or props. Comsumable supplies such as gel, gaffers tape, soldering supplies, hardware, etc. may be obtained from local suppliers. If such items are to be supplied by your sponsor, they must be notified well in advance.