Adam Rudolph/GO Organic Orchestra with Brooklyn Raga Massive: Ragmala - A Garland of Ragas

Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 7:30 p.m. ET

What would a “Future Orchestra” look – and more importantly – sound like? Master percussionist and composer Adam Rudolph has created an illuminating answer to that question with Go: Organic Orchestra. For this unique project, the Orchestra joins forces with the boundary pushing Indian classical musicians of Brooklyn Raga Massive. On their remarkable recording, Ragmala – A Garland of Ragas, the large ensemble embraces diverse cultures and traditions, carving an egalitarian and communal way forward.

There will be a post-show chat with Adam Rudolph in Bowker at the conclusion of the performance.  

This presentation is the final event in our longstanding Magic Triangle music series curated by Glenn Siegel, who recently retired from UMass.