Wheel of Time

A film written and directed by Werner Herzog.

Wheel of Time

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SOM 137   7:00 pm
Free and open to public

Written and Directed by Werner Herzog, (Germany, 2003. 80 Minutes. In English) Buddha found enlightenment sitting under a tree in Bodh Gaya, India and today Buddhist monks are ordained in this holy place. Werner Herzog (who claimed to have once walked from Munich to Paris) takes their lengthy pilgrimage (for some, more than 3000 miles) and the monks' creation of the intricate sand mandala ("the wheel of time") as jumping-off points for a thoughtful, highly personal look at what Buddhism means to its most fervent adherents as well as to the rest of us. "You're reminded why Herzog is considered a master: The sight of travellers filing across the snow-covered plains past Mount Kailash and the climactic sweeping of the mandala portraiture into oblivion are as awe-inspiring as anything Herzog has ever contrived."-David Fear, City Pages (Minneapolis) Co-presented with the German and Scandinavian Studies, DEFA Library & Goethe Institute, Boston