People's Encyclopedia and Zine Making Workshop

Tuesday, Nov 13 / 3:30–5:30
Xylor Jane, Untitled, 2016. Ink and oil on panel; 30 x 24 in. Image courtesy of CANADA Gallery,New York
Warren Leffler, Civil rights march on Washington, DC; 1963. Library of Congress

It has been 50 years since the historic Civil Rights and Liberation Movements of the 1960s and 1970s. In this workshop with Walidah Imarisha, participants will imagine themselves 50 years in the future and engage in writing entries for the 2070 People’s Encyclopedia about current issues and events now, as a way of imagining how the world today can lead to the world we want.

Presented by the UMass Amherst History Department Feinberg Family Distinguished Lecture Series in partnership with the University Museum of Contemporary Art.

The 2018 Feinberg Series theme is “Another World Is Possible: Revolutionary Visions, Past and Present.” Series events and initiatives will explore the radical imaginations of intellectuals, artists, political leaders, renegade thinkers, community organizers, and everyday people who have worked to make another world possible.