Featuring the American Contemporary Music Ensemble
Performing Infra and music from The Blue Notebooks

Wednesday, October 10, 7:30 pm
Fine Arts Center Concert Hall


Considered among the most influential composers of his generation, Max Richter upends conventions as a prolific contemporary artist, pianist, producer, arranger and collaborator. For this concert Richter is joined by members of the American Contemporary Music Ensemble, a collection of some of the most sought-after interpreters of contemporary music, as well as special guest narrator Laura Hooper. Together they will perform music from Richter's second album, The Blue Notebooks, and Infra, his collaboration with choreographer Wayne McGregor inspired by T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land.

$35, $25; Five College Students and Youth 17 and Under: $10
Prix fixe dinner available at the University Club before the concert. Details at fineartscenter.com/prixfixe

Join us after the performance in the lobby for a meet and greet with the artists. 


Max Richter on the re-recording of The Blue Notebooks
“Richter is capable of eliciting profound emotions from the barest of foundations”  -BBC review of Infra

"This music is achingly gorgeous." -Pitchfork review on Infra
Academic Connections: Anthropology; Art; Communication; Computer Science; Electrical & Computer Engineering; English; Collaboration, Research
See all the Course Connections


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