Jazz in July 2025
July 14-25, 2025
About Jazz in July
40 years ago, a group of dedicated jazz artists and jazz educators at the University of Massachusetts developed a program that would connect jazz students with the country’s top jazz artist/educators for an intensive week of study in jazz improvisation. Their dedication to the art of jazz improvisation and jazz culture gave birth to Jazz in July Summer Music Programs-- a concentrated two-week program, allowing participants to study jazz improvisation with some of the nation’s best jazz educators and artists.
As the jazz landscape changes, Jazz in July uses that foundation to evolve with the current innovations being developed. Current and cutting edge jazz artists help to lead Jazz in July into the ever-evolving future of jazz, and ensure our jazz education vision will be current and relevant for many years to come.

Pictured: From 2012, Dr. Fred Tillis and Jeff Holmes.
Performing is an essential part of jazz! Our live performances offer students the chance to play for the Amherst community. On Wednesdays, Club Jazz in July features vocalists and instrumental combos performing in a relaxed club atmosphere. The weeks close with student Combos and Vocalists hitting the stage for the Jazz Futures Concerts. The second week concludes with the faculty members performing at the Jazz in July All Star Concert.
When you sign up for Jazz in July...
you will be joining an illustrious network of current and former artist faculty and participants. The Jazz in July program involves instrumental/vocal master classes, group clinics, jazz theory and improvisation training, ensemble coaching, jam sessions, style explorations, combined lectures, and public performances by participants and faculty members alike. Regardless of the program you choose, we aim to connect your innovations with high quality educators and consequently inspire you to be a part of the jazz legacy that is Jazz in July.
Jazz in July Alumni Panel
Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Music Theory Quiz
All About Jazz In July
Faculty Bios
Our Sponsors
Registration Payment for Jazz in July 2025
Registration will be $90.00 per person from 1/1/2025 until 5/31/2025. It will change to Late Registration $100.00 on 6/1/2025
Tuition Payment for Jazz in July 2025
Tuition will be available at the Early Rate ($528 1 Week, $1056 2 Weeks) from today until 3/31/2025. It will change to full price on 4/1/2025 ($660 1 Week, $1,320 2 Weeks).
Housing and Meal Plan Registration
Donate a one or two week scholarship! Click here. Select FAC from drop down menu. Select Jazz in July Scholarships from subcategory field.
Contact Information:
Main Number: (413) 545-3530
FAX: (413) 545-0132
Jazz in July Administrative Director
David Picchi, (413) 545-4158
Email: jazzinjuly@acad.umass.edu
Mailing Address:
Jazz in July
10 Curry Hicks - 100 Hicks Way
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003-9300