Into Whirldz of Imagination
Marsia Shuron Harris

February 27 - March 26, 2020
Opening Reception: Thursday, February 27, 5 – 7 p.m.

Fluid Artist Marsia Shuron paints vibrant abstract imagery that leads the viewer on an "other worldly" journey, that moves and flows through space. She calls these paintings, “Whirldz of Imagination.” Each painting is a microcosm of the universe that engages the viewer and evokes wonder. Marsia’s images lead you on a kind of Rorschachish adventure of the mind where your imagination is invited to run free and co-create the experience. The artist writes, "It is my intention to inspire people to exercise their imaginations, to be more playful, mindful of what they are thinking, and to gaze long and curiously at the heavens."

Marsia Shuron Harris also known as Mother Turtle, is a musician, fluid painter, and personal development coach. She attended the Art Institute of Boston, where she studied Fine Art and honed her skills as a photographer. A songwriter from an early age, after graduation in 1990, Marsia began publicly performing her original compositions and set out on what would be a 25 year adventure in music. Her love for writing and performing continues today. 2011 found her back behind the lens and in 2016 she discovered Fluid Art, which she is wholeheartedly immersed in creating and teaching out of her studio in Montague, MA. As a personal development coach, Marsia designed “Healing The Stories We Tell Ourselves,” a three hour interactive experience where she guides participants through their limiting beliefs, to self empowerment. She lives in rural Massachusetts, amongst the mountains and forest, where she draws her inspiration from the beauty of the natural world that surrounds her.

You can find her online at